19.04 Megathread

I have a problem with this version I tried to install it in 64bits and when the restart remains on the black screen as if trying to boot but it does not

@Norman this is probably best posted in the Lubuntu Support category.

i am facing sound issues in v19.04 . there is no sound i have tried various options, but still no luck.
But it works fine in headphones. please help on this

@chimbu a new post in Lubuntu Support would be ideal. include info on your system as well as the specific details on your sound card and setup. pactl list should do the trick here. What have you tried anyways?



The default shell needs to be specified when you add a new user else it will resort to /bin/sh
This is easy to change after the fact however…

Thank you for your detailed reply. I had this figured out already, but I wonder: what advantage is this 19.04 trickery over the simple 18.04 “add user” feature?

This was the last drop in the bucket for me to return to 18.04 :wink:

Hello everyone.

Lubuntu 19.04 is working fine, installation is easy with no problems
Lubuntu 19.04 starts fast and stable.
Congratulations to the whole team.


Thanks @lynx. It is great to hear that you are enjoying your experience with Lubuntu.

How much time is it taking btw? Like 30 secs or something? I have a vm in which it takes around 10sec.

I made an edit to the initial post kicking off this thread reflecting that we now have a way to donate.

3 posts were split to a new topic: How to segregate windows on different desktops?

How much time is it taking btw? Like 30 secs or something? I have a vm in which it takes around 10sec.

The delay is around 15 sec. And it is a clean install. In a clean install of 18.04 the delay is next to nothing.

I gave 19.04 a try from a USB stick on an Asus netbook, and it looks very promising. The choice of software packages seems a bit strange - Libre Office plus a mail client which is so lightweight it cannot even do POP3 makes no sense to me.

I did not bother to install. There is no simple way to connect to a hidden SSID, and some windows (Desktop Preferences, World Clock) will not allow their height to be reduced enough to fit on a small screen (Skype has the same problem). Locale settings are tricky, as you cannot specify units directly, but have to select the different countries to which the units you want have been allocated.

If I could connect to my wifi from a GUI, I would have installed 19.04 and had a longer look.

What other word processor/spreadsheet do you know of that is well-developed and supported, lightweight or otherwise? The alternatives in LXDE Lubuntu were certainly not.

This is certainly a known problem and is fixed in 19.10. Install network-manager-gnome and edit /usr/share/nm-tray/nm-tray.conf so that connectionsEditor=nm-connection-editor.

Yeah, small screens don’t get a lot of attention. I’ll make an upstream issue for this. If you would be so kind as to list everywhere you can find such a problem, I will make sure it gets fixed.

This is perhaps part and parcel because it’s how things work under the hood. It does show in the “Example” section what the results are. Does that not make things clear enough?

In lieu of actually getting a response to this I went ahead and made an upstream issue. I tried to run through everywhere and make as complete a list as I possibly can, but if there is more to add, please add it! You’ll notice one of the problems is already crossed off the list.

P.S. @The_LoudSpeaker reminded me of this, so I thought I’d post it here.


19.04 is great. Very fast.
One thing: The wifi indicator, icon, widget or what it’s called offers no contrast when used with a dark theme, which is the default case:

As you can see in the upstream issue you filed, this is fixed once we have a new release from them. Otherwise, we’ll pull in a new patch for 19.10.

To clarify this point: log-in in, say, Debian 10 Xfce is slow, too, before the Desktop screen appears, BUT:
when I hit the user icon in Debian the icon disappears immediately, indicating “something is happening”, while with Lubuntu 19.04 the icon does not change during the whole waiting time; giving thoughts of “is the computer frozen?”

What’s strange: I can’t reproduce it at all. Immediately the screen blanks and everything loads up rather quickly:


I can surely tell mine is not that fast and I can confirm what @lubucub is saying.

I’ve noticed a minor issue. Sometimes when using the start menu’s search function, the results will sometimes not display correctly. Usually this means that instead of showing applications, it will instead show the parent group (IE Office or Internet) only. Killing the panel or logging out of the session both fix this.