My first live Lubuntu Hirsute Hippo

I’ll provide a link to this post

I wrote a little about how we’ve used our [currently] one active install testcase to report the many variations we have on our checklist.

Note: this early in the cycle, the checklist of installs doesn’t matter that much; we try & complete all variations though regularly & very regularly late in the cycle. I’m not a good writer sorry.

I wrote a little about live testing at

but it’s actually better if we’re not all doing the same things, but doing it our own way, or using it as we do ourselves. The purpose of it was in hopes of getting more people testing, giving people ideas (not scaring them off with my poor writing)

I realize you’ve already seen at least one of my posts, but I’m providing in case helpful. I’ll (along with everyone else) will help whenever we can, and thank you for helping make Lubuntu better :grinning:.