Starting with Ubuntu 20.10 the boot process of Ubuntu ISOs was altered so all architectures would be booting the same for all releases. Before this change, some boxes used syslinux
, others used grub
etc… but now all boot the same for a given release. These changes of course impacted all flavors like Lubuntu.
This had a negative impact on some boxes with specific firmware versions that cause them to boot live Ubuntu ISO rather slowly; thankfully it only impacted a very small number of boxes, and only during the boot of installation media; ie. once the live system had booted, was installed to a local disk - the issue did not re-occur.
For example, if I boot Lubuntu 22.04 LTS media on
- motion computing j3400 (c2d-u9400, 4gb, intel mobile 4 series)
with the ISO cloned normally to thumb-drive, the box has the following boot times
- 7:09 (7 mins 9 secs) first boot message appears on screen
- 7:17 lubuntu
is seen - 7:54 system messages replace
- 8:21 Xorg mouse pointer is seen
- 9:02 lubuntu wallpaper is drawn
- 9:10 the system is fully functional
The issue I’m documenting here is during boot; there was 7 minutes 9 seconds where the only thing on screen was a blinking cursor. This issue is documented here [where you may note the original poster of the report actually believed the system wasn’t booting; alas it was just slow to boot]
There is a workaround documented in the bug report, however as we only install a system [ideally] once (and the issue doesn’t occur on an installed system), my suggestion is just to be patient waiting for your installation media to boot. It also impacts only a small number of boxes, with specific firmware code.
On this motion computing box, Lubuntu 22.04 LTS was fully booted within 10 minutes (note: it takes a little longer for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or other flavors needing up to two minutes extra!), so please just take this as a warning to be patient. Your box may need ~10 minutes to boot recent Lubuntu releases.
- this isn’t an issue with Lubuntu 20.04 LTS or earlier, and impacts all Ubuntu ISOs equally.
- times mentioned are for the box used as example; your box maybe faster/slower both in CPU but also firmware which is what really causes this slow-boot process