I’m almost a newcomer to Lubuntu, so I’ll probably be a bit clumsy . I used it for a short time some time ago. It was Lubuntu 14 or 16, not sure.
Whatever. I’m using Lubuntu 19 now. I installed it correctly, but I’m finding quite a headache while trying to install programs (or apps, not sure about the name.) I remember that previous version had a sort of “app store” like Android or Apple, and it was really easy to install them.
I found out only after installing it that LB19 has no app store whatsoever. At least, I can’t find it. So I had to download tarballs. As a Linux amateur, I Googled for hours, checking Ubuntu forums and tech blogs and so. I found instructions to install tarballs via terminal, but none of them worked at all (you know, cd, configure, make and so…). Very often, the authors describe even a different OS than the one I’m using. It’s confusing and (I must say) terribly annoying.
Can you suggest me any “app store” where I can find programs ready to install with a click? I know it might look like I have quite a nerve (this is Linux), but I can’t just find any other solution.
Thanks, I’m working on it. Discover Software Center didn’t help much, really.
I used Muon to get something similar to what I was looking for. I couldn’t find the exact program, though I know it’s available for Linux.
What kinda pisses me off is that I can’t seem to find the way to place a desktop shorcut for the programs I installed via Muong or DSC.
Well, SubtitleEdit is suposed to work in Ubuntu; at least, they released a tarball. Anyway, it doesn’t work.
About the shortcuts, I meant a easier way. I don’t even get a word of that tutorial or whatever it is… I was thinking on placing a shorcut via graphics, with some clicks, or something similar to the shortcut assistant in Windows… Thank you very much anyway…
Ps. It’s only me or, to be a supposedly light OS, Lubuntu 19 is awfully slow???
Yeah, but who knows how much they test it. It’s apparent to me their major target is Windows. Still, what I said holds true: they do not offer packages for any Linux distro.
I hadn’t realized this but you can just drag and drop on the desktop. This works from the menu or the file manager. You can even symlink terminal programs. I didn’t realize it was so stupid easy.
Yeah, I could create shortcuts for programs I’d downloaded manually (portable versions like Pale Moon browser, f. e.). But for those programs which I had no other choice than download via Muon, no way. By dragging and dropping, I get a different file, which shows only a series of codes. Jesus, Linux developers are really funny people sometimes…
About LB going slow: I mean my computer runs exactly like it used to do when I had Windows 7: it takes sometime for some programs to start, scrolling up and down it’s not very fluid, windows leave some graphic trail when I minimize sometimes… I thought LB would be lighter. The only positive difference is that the shutdown is pretty fast, only that.
Thank you very much for your patience, I must repeat.
I really don’t know what to think about this OS anymore. I’ve just tried to create shortcuts for programs I’d downloaded via Muon and this time it worked at last. Their aspect is kinda strange, though. Both original icon and shortcut icon show a (!) red sign, although they seem to work properly. Here are some examples:
That indicates that they’re not “trusted” executables, i.e. they will prompt you to run when you try to execute them rather than just executing. See my example where I right click and make them trusted before running.
It’s an old machine and one that isn’t going to do well surfing the modern web, especially if you’re using the likes of Google apps. That said, it’s not unusable, but it is is going to be slow. I’m sure Lubuntu has made a difference in its performance, though it may not be obvious. Like you say applications take a while to load, but that may be par for the course given your current resources. It will be worse the more applications you have loaded. And it will be worse, still, if the applications you are loading are very resource intensive. Anything to do with video is going to bog your machine down drastically, and I bet, given that you’re doing subtitle editing, that is the case.
I wouldn’t blame Lubuntu for that disappointment, but your machine. If you want proof, try installing Ubuntu proper and see what happens. You’ll see substantially slower performance. Like I said, the performance benefit may not be obvious.
Are you sure this isn’t a matter of a hardware issue? Linux does all sorts of wonderful things, but as I love to say, it can’t fix broken.
Strange thing about the shortcuts: some of them (Libre Office, f. e.) were installed by default, I didn’t. I’ll try that right click thing.
About my machine, yeah, I’d never expected a premium performance, I knew it was a medium class computer. It’s just I thought Lubuntu would bring some relieve to it.
About the subtitle editing, I’ve not even started yet. I just tried it a bit, briefly, to see if it was working. All I’m doing since I installed LB is googleing, looking for tips or console codes. I use browser and system programs mostly.
About the keyboard, it worked perfectly in Windows.
Lubuntu is OK overall, if you don’t expect too much and you remember it’s freeware. I only hope developers will fix that little big bugs (you know, the trouble with shortcuts, hardware, the password protected log-in, which is kinda unstable, with many “failed to log in” warnings despite the pw is typed correctly…) eventually. When they do, it will be quite interesting OS.
Thank you very much for your support and patience.
I hate to tell you this, but at this point, it’s a low-class computer. There’s almost no operating system that will run well on it.
As I said before, the modern web and especially anything related to Google, is extremely resource intensive. On a system like yours, some simple browsing will bog the machine down pretty significantly.
In the same port? And the light went on? Are you sure it hasn’t failed since you last used it? These things do happen.
It’s open source, not freeware.
I thought we just fixed that “bug” by learning how to use the feature?
I’ve never had an issue with this and I’ve done literally hundreds of installs of Lubuntu. If you can come up with a situation where you can reliably reproduce a problem, then we can look at fixing a bug.
One other thing I’ll mention: if there’s a problem with the download of the ISO or with copying it onto the installation media— even a single bit of data— you will inevitably run into problems that appear to be impossible to fix. Can you say with certainty that you checked to ensure that there were no such problems? The manual certainly discusses this need.
Well, I’m not sure about that “low-class” thing when we talk about Lubuntu. I tested LB 14/16 in an old Acer running with a Celeron processor. The machine was nearly dead (and it did not long after that) and even so that OS would run pretty well. That’s why I chosen it now.
About the keyboard: same port, same everything. It’s maybe a trouble with drivers or something. I remember some issues like that while trying that previous version of Lubuntu.
I say freeware since its free of charge, but whatever.
About the shortcut thing: I mean it’s a malfunction since you try today and get error and you try tomorrow and it works. And you do exactly the same thing both days. It’s a bug. No harm on it.
I installed LB from a USB which was OK. No trouble found during the installation process, which was pretty fast overall.
Who knows what’s going on. Maybe these problems will go after getting updates. Or maybe not and I’m the only person in the world who has them.
Anyway, thank you very much.
Of course, that’s 3-5 year old technology. Things change, especially on the web. I bet your computer will be nice and snappy if you don’t use your browser.
Generally, the necessary drivers are built right into the kernel. Is there something special about this keyboard?
What error?
But did you check the ISO against the published hashes or run the check disc for defects at the boot menu? If not, it’s quite possible even if your install succeeded that you might have a faulty install.
Think about it like this: it used to work fine in your past experience and now it doesn’t. Generally things get better with age, not the other way around. Occam’s Razor suggests a simple solution would be the most likely solution and regressions are not very simple.
My computer will be good if I don’t use the browser. In 2019. Terrific…
Nothing special about the keyboard. Was supposed to work with every OS.
The problem with shortcuts, as I said, is that the drag and drop action didn’t create a proper shortcut, but a file full of codes which didn’t lead to the program. That happened day one. Day two, it created proper shortcuts. No, I didn’t do nothing different.
The ISO was checked.
Not everything gets better with age, believe me . A lot of things get MUCH worse. About Lubuntu, it’s very likely that new releases were designed not to be most efficient, but most beautiful. No surprise. That’s what Microsoft does, for instance. Every new Windows is heavier than the previous one since some time ago. They work mostly on graphics and things like that. I get the feeling that’s the case as well.
I came here to comment looking for some answers, but specially to see if someone is having that same or similar issues, that’s all. People can take it the way they want, discusse it, ignore it, no difference to me.