Installation Lubuntu error

When I try to install Lubuntu 21.04 I faced below error. I already installed Ubuntu 18. I wish to erase Ubuntu and install Lubuntu.

Sorry for dim jpg image. When it asks to do mannual partitioning I’m not sure what to do.

My laptop have only 2gb ram.

Have you tried following the Lubuntu manual as previously suggested?

The chapter you want is 1.3 Installing Lubuntu

On askubuntu you also asked about swap; I suggested reading Swap and Lubuntu (FAQ)

What confused you with the manual?

You also mention an error - but I can’t make out any error on the screen/picture you provided. More details may help.

ps: I’m going to change the tags for this post; you’ve said it relates to 18.04/bionic & 19.04/disco which don’t seem to apply.

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As beginner here it allows to post only one image. I cannot upload error.

Yes. I gone through Manual. It doesn’t give information on overcoming error which I face.

I saw two pictures on the ask ubuntu post; but I didn’t see any error message sorry when I looked earlier.

I’ve looked again and I can see what I think has you confused; mention of an EFI (ESP or EFI system partition) partition.

You haven’t provided any details about your box; if it’s a legacy or BIOS box - no ESP partition is required; however if it’s uEFI then yes it is required.

Your partition layout appears to be

/sda1 ext4 - this is likely your old system (~116GB)
/sda3 *unknown* thus ??? (116GB)
/sda2 extended (logical partition entry only)
    /sda3 utilizing the space of sda2 swap of 900MB

I have no idea what sda3 is as you’ve provided no details.

sda1 appears to be where your old Ubuntu system was.

I’d remove sda2+3 as I see no point in having an extended partition of that small size. Personally I’d create a larger swap file (I’d make it >3GB at least; it needs to be larger than RAM size to hibernate, but size is a very subjective thing based on how you’ll use the box). I’d suggest not creating a swap partition, but use a swapfile instead following instructions as written by @leok here.

If you need to create an EFI/ESP partition you can then use the space made available by the deletion of the swap partition, for creating a EFI partition. It needs to be fat32 and a size of 300MB should be good.

I’ll provide a link which may better represent your issue (now what I see what I think has thrown you), try looking at

Note: If your box is BIOS (ie. decade+ old, or XP/Vista era box), the system will boot even with that error message. If your box is uEFI (win8/10) then the error message needs to be followed (as it likely won’t boot without it).

(FYI: If you noted I missed win7 it’ll most boot without EFI partition, but a late win7 box may require uEFI or ESP partition)


The installer was booted with UEFI mode. It is visible in the picture on the upper left side.

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I think that sivasdpi is asking about the error that appears at the bottom of the picture:

“An EFI system partition cannot be found anywhere on this system. Please go back and use manual partitioning to set up Lubuntu”

So I think that the problem is that he doesn’t know how to do a manual partitioning.

According with Installation Manual chapter 1.3 (, “If you are booting your computer in UEFI mode a more modern firmware compared to BIOS you will need to create an EFI system partition”

So I think that sivasdpi has got a computer with UEFI mode and MUST do a manual partition in order to create an EFI partition.


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You are correct @ubun-ie uben-ie

Guys I’m waiting for your help. Pls help for installation

Did you read my last attempt?

You’re using EFI as @apt-ghetto correctly highlighted (what I missed in your picture) so use the steps & link I provided for that install (ie. I provided another askubuntu link where I walked through what I do for a lubuntu install on a then groovy system on a uEFI only box)

(if I re-did that on today’s QA-test install with impish, I can’t imagine anything would differ over the word groovy being replaced by impish. I covered the size; 300MB is enough generally for normal end-users; but I often put many installs on test boxes (more so than end-users do) thus the larger size I mentioned in that question).

Okay. I will follow the link which you provided and see if it works.

Pls confirm if I need to follow below link :

The link/answer I suggested here & on askubuntu was to this question - partitioning - Lubuntu Installer Giving Error after Partition creation "YOUR SYSTEM MAY OR MAY NOT BOOT " - Ask Ubuntu

Above images will show how I tried.

From here(above specific step)don’t know how to move next.

From the paste I provided

“click both BIOS-GRUB & BOOT options in the flag section.” for the EFI partition."

Yes it’s titled “Flags:” and not ‘flag’ so it’s not perfect

I then report doing the same thing with the / partition too,

I click both options available BIOS-GRUB & BOOT in the flag section too

as I’ve yet to have a box fail using that, and its easier to be consistent when I click both in testing manual partitioning.

I would expect the linked answer to be helpful to you, even if sda1 & sda2 don’t match your partition numbers, where is the ‘answer’ confusing?

On that last screen you’re on where the window reads “Create a Partition”, you will need to do this at least twice—one for ESP and one for /.

You need at least an ESP partition which has been mentioned above and you need a partition for Lubuntu to install itself to.

If you’re being thrown off by what’s being shown on the AskUbuntu answer, please note that the image shown there is showing what you might see when creating a partition for /. You need to create a smaller partition (probably 300Mb as recommended) for your ESP in addition to the system partition for /.

Please review the answer again and walk through the steps. The ESP will be a primary partition with a fat32 file system with the mount point being /boot/efi. Also, you need to set the correct flags in order to boot.

After creating the ESP, you can create your partition for /. As it was mentioned, you don’t need to create additional partitions after the system partition if you aren’t comfortable with it (more advanced). Lubuntu should boot just fine with those in place provided you followed the guide correctly.

If you’re ok with just having those 2 partitions for your install, you can just let the system partition for / take up the total remaining free space on your disk after creating your ESP. Good luck. :wink:

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No, the “bios-grub” flag is not used for the ESP. The “bios-grub” flag is used for a raw partition on GPT, so that Grub can be installed in BIOS mode. But this is not what you want.

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