Cant reconfigure Openbox Manager Lubuntu 22.04

Hello, I just copied all the configs from distotubes dotfile repo in gitlab and pasted it to my openbox config file but when i tried to reconfigure openbox using terminal i got following error.

what about this:
openbox --restart

When I do openbox --reconfigure or openbox --restart i get the same error as show in above pic

error does not appear in Lubuntu 22.10 in the terminal, neither with
openbox --reconfigure
nor with
openbox --restart

Do you have an internet-address?
What is the name of your document?
Does the document work even if there is an error shown in the terminal?

I tried it on live image of lubuntu both commands worked but when i tried it after fresh install no changes in config file same error shows up.

Link to the config file from where i copy pasted.

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[…] but when i tried it after fresh install no changes in config file same error shows up.

Even if in the terminal an error is shown, changes of the config file work. But I have no idea why the error appears. I can confirm the error in Lubuntu 22.04.1.

But for me It doesnt take place. I tried to configure openbox because i wanted to added custom keybinds to snap windows left and right sames as mswindow with super + arrow keys

But for me It doesnt take place.

It does work. First you need to deactivate in main menu > Preferences > LXQt Settings > Shortcut Keys this shortcut: Show/hide main menu. Else you can not set super key in openbox.
After doing it, reconfigure openbox. And then it should work. Please let it me know if it works or not.

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Hey, what you think about that?

    <keybind key="W-Left">
      <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
      <action name="MoveResizeTo">
    <keybind key="W-Right">
      <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
      <action name="MoveResizeTo">
    <keybind key="W-Up">
      <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
      <action name="MoveResizeTo">
    <keybind key="W-Down">
      <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
      <action name="MoveResizeTo">
    <keybind key="W-Return">
      <action name="Maximize"/>

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it edited the rc.xml in /etc/X11/openbox directory and tried to reconfigure & restart openbox again same errors. I did disable the key too

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For me it looks like you disabled the super key in the end, and then it does not work. Retry:
openbox --restart

[…] t edited the rc.xml in /etc/X11/openbox directory

Why there? The document rc.xml has to be in /home/USERFILE/.config/openbox. You wrote it on top of this webpage:

and pasted it to my openbox config file

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A few related posts here and here.
Just assign them to shortcut keys.


@humpty Till Lubuntu 21.10 there was an openbox-config file. It was so useful.

Why Lubuntu took it away?
Do you know a link to a default rc.xml for Lubuntu?

because it couldnt find it there

it worked but only if the windows aren’t maximized. I need to manually minimize the windows before snapping them. Is there a fix for it?

here are the outputs when i ran it in terminal

A) For a terminal,
It doesn’t work until you replace the double-quotes with normal single-quotes,
(this is what lxqt-config-globalkeyshortcuts automatically does when you paste it in. - and strangely, ~/.config/lxqt/globalkeyshortcuts.conf needs it to be double-quotes in it’s config).

So if you’re doing it in a terminal, you have to replace those double-quotes yourself.

B) To get around the maximized quirk,
insert a command to remove any maximized width; , i.e this part in bold

bash -c [blah]…HALF=$(($WIDTH/2)) && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,maximized_vert …[blah blah]…

(obviously, we can’t post single-back-quotes in this forum, but you get the gist.)

Also, note that none of this works if you go full-screen (F11) - but how often do you do that?)

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