Apologies but I don’t remember exactly. I think it was related to this bug (Fatal error with luks and bootloader on / · Issue #969 · calamares/calamares · GitHub), and some of the errors in there look familiar. I had been using an encrypted swap partition (I set up encrypted swap a couple of years ago on a whim because it sounded neat, but I opted for a standard swap partition this time around). I assume it was because of this.
Yes, inconsistently, and I’ll check!
Yes. Out of the box unfortunately. If I log out and back in, sometimes the keyring will unlock, sometimes it won’t unlock. Myself and another person have mentioned the issue on launchpad (Bug #1769384 “SDDM does not unlock gnome-keyring on login” : Bugs : sddm package : Ubuntu), and I believe it to be purely sddm related.
Xft/Antialias 1
Xft/Autohint 0
Xft/Hinting 1
Xft/HintStyle "hintslight"
Xft/lcdfilter "lcddefault"
Xft/RGBA "rgb"
^with linebreaks after every value of-course.
I was just as confused!
I know libinput is now considered preferable. When I get around to making a nice config for it I’ll switch.
Via LXQt’s keyboard and mouse settings applet.
Noted. Good idea.