Wireguard is not working properly on lubuntu 24.04

Hi all, just want to share my experience finding some anomalies while using wireguard tunnel on lubuntu 24.04.

Right after the os installation finished, i continued to setup wireguard client as my vpn of choice for now. For the context i’m using previous version of lubuntu (maybe 18.xx or maybe 2x.xx) and wireguard just working perfectly. Here the anomalies :

  1. pairing is fine, but there is no connection
    There is no error when do sudo wg-quick up wg0, but i got no connection either on public or private sites.

  2. pairing is fine, connection is up for few minutes and then die right after
    some random moment, i got the connection (private sites) but suddenly disconnected for no reason.

  3. once got connection, curl cannot resolve host but nslookup is fine
    the anomaly #2 makes me curious about what happen, at first i think the problem is the wireguard’s config side, but its ended up with another anomaly, basically i do nslookup and it’s recognize it, but one i curl the domain, its throw an error something about cannot resolve host

After some trial with two version of lubuntu (22.04 and 24.04), run it on virtual machine side by side and the result was not surprising at all, the wireguad is just working on lubuntu 22.04 and the same got the same anomaly from lubuntu 24.04.

AFAIK, there’s nothing unique about WireGuard in Lubuntu relative to the other Ubuntu flavors. I’d probably go testing on them first. Assuming you see the same issue there, then you can seek help from a wider audience that is much more likely to actually use WireGuard.

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yeah, that is actually what i thought at first. Never i have thought something like this could happen, but that’s what i’ve experienced

Did you try Ubuntu or any of the other flavors then?

For this specific case, i’m not trying on any flavors but lubuntu. My test on lubuntu 22.04.4 and 24.04 shows the anomaly only show on lubuntu 24.04

And what I’m saying is it probably exists in other flavors, meaning the bug is in WireGuard itself.

One way to be more certain of this if you don’t actually want to try other flavors, is simply to file a bug (ubuntu-bug wireguard) and see what the response is. At least at that point, you’ll be hearing back from people responsible for WireGuard rather than the Lubuntu Team who does not test it at all…


i totally get it what you trying to tell and the good news is i found the solution for my problem, and it’s quite simple. look at : networking - Hostnames cannot be resolved after upgrading to 22.04 - Ask Ubuntu


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