Wifi stream sharing on TV screen


I am using Lubuntu 19.10 and trying to share stream via Wifi on TV screen.

I have installed rygel. It seems to be a pure gnome application and exports quite a few warning messages without showing its interface.

Miraclecast could be another solution. But building seems too complicated for me.

I would appreciate if there were an easy way to do that.

Lubuntu 19.10 is EOL or end-of-life.

Refer official notice

or on this site

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Thanks for reminding.

Actually I have installed the new 20.04 once. Since I could not get my wifi adaptor to work, I re-installed the 19.10 version. In the next weeks I plan to try 20.04.1.

Back to the original topic. Has anyone the experience of using wifi display on 19.10 or higher?

19.10 is off-topic due to EOL, unless your question is specific to moving to a supported release of Lubuntu in my opinion.

If you want to create a question about supported Lubuntu 20.04, I’m happy for it to be here, but 19.10 is EOL as I’ve already stated.

Ubuntu/Lubuntu doesn’t want to encourage people using unsupported or past-EOL software, thus you’ll not get much support from people associated with Ubuntu projects, flavors, members etc.

We of course are happy for people to continue using our software past its supported life, but you’re on your own, and cannot any longer use Canonical/Ubuntu infrastructure for support questions/help (this is an official Ubuntu site).