Just asking what made you use it.
I was looking for something both modern and lightweight, so that I could run and support just one OS on a variety of my and family’s computers, old and new.
Resurrect my father’s old laptop (huge dell with a 17.25" screen), rather than send it to recycling/dump. Ran slow on windows runs nicely on Lubuntu. Should get a few more years out of it.
I wanted to use linux, so I must have choose somethig. Also my PC is pretty old and never was powerfull, and now, after windows 10, it flies. I’ve tried some else variants, but for some reason, many other choises don’t fly… And some mints with xubuntus maybe was flying good enough… but I just cannot do with them what I can do with Lubuntu!
I must be strange, but Lubuntu is perfect enough. I even tried Debian/LXQt, or ubuntu server with LXQt… But the thing is that I like the Lubuntu… I just don’t understand the reason. Some Lubuntu magic. Yes, there are many thing that are not so good with me. But all the other choises are obviously worst…
The Lubuntu is almost perfectly minimalistic. I was shoked with how few things I have there, the first time I’ve tried it… But I was much more shoked when I realised that it’s all I need! I (almost) don’t need any manual. Everything’s just there, before you (obviously I mean the GUI part)!
So I want to install the Lubutnu on my future powerfull PC. And I really hope for project to develop. Because there is literally no alternative for me.
I’ve always liked Lubuntu simple LXDE UI from the start back in the days of 14.04 Tusty Thar.
Okay it did take me a few days to get used to the LXQT UI it uses now.
I’ve always used old clunker desktops and Lubuntu always runs great on them and still does. My desktops are more powerful nowadays.
Lubuntu user manual has been a helpful resource when needed.
I guess the main reason I use Lubuntu is it works OOTB or has for me.
I sold my main pc about a month ago and slapped one together out of old parts. I enjoy working on them too much to keep one long and Windows is no longer needed for gaming. Also Lubuntu is a smart move even if you have a powerful pc, a less resource hungry os provides more headroom for other tasks.
In the past I already have used Ubuntu for distributed computing on several computers. Last September I finally decided that it’s time to leave MS Windows behind forever even on my primary PC. So a Ubuntu flavor was the first option to me.
Most programs of Ubuntu have no much benefit for me, so this time I looked for a lightweight flavor and easily found Lubuntu.
I have a couple of laptops from my kids after they bought a new one.
So usually it is likely 4~5 years old and I feel like Lubuntu makes those old ones as fresh as new one for my usage. Now I have MacBook Air 2017 with Lubuntu and it is as fast as (or even faster) a new MacBook for me.