Upgrade Notifier interferes with acquisition of additional drivers

When attempting to get a wifi driver using “Additional Drivers”, an error message occurs saying “unable to get lock… It is held by process 832 (unattended-upgr)”.

In more detail, the steps were:

  1. Get “Additional Drivers” window. (Start Menu >> Preferences >> Software Sources >> Additional Drivers)

  2. It finds an additional driver to install. Check the menu option to use that additional driver.

  3. An error message occurs saying
    “pk-client-error-quark: E: Could not get lock /var”/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend.ib/dpkg/lock-frontend). It is held by process 832 (unattended-upgr)…
    “E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?”

To get rid of the error, the solution I used was to prevent unattended-upgr from using the lock by preventing unattended-upgr from running. To do this I disabled the Upgrade Notifier. (Start Menu >> LXQt Settings >> Session Settings >> Autostart; deselect “upgNotifier” in the Global Autostart menu; then reboot the computer so the change takes effect).

After disabling the Upgrade Notifier the Additional Drivers process ran without error and I got the driver.

#additional-drivers upgrade #notifier


Thanks for sharing @ecosoc :slightly_smiling_face:

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