Testing 20.04 daily? [SOLVED]

I’ll provide the cron details for ISO testing (it’ll give clues on when jobs are run/initiated if you’re interested)


You may already know this, but you can use zsync to update your ISO to reduce bandwidth of download, eg.

rm *.old
mv focal-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync focal-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync.old
wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/focal-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync
zsync -u http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/focal-desktop-amd64.iso  focal-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync

Yes I was talking about the iso.qa.ubuntu.com tracker

Generally no. Daily actually more precisely implies ‘interval’, early in the release cycle a new daily is spun weekly, later in the cycle it can be created multiple times a day, and it the process can be started other than the provided cron job I provided.

You can do it whenever you have time, but weekly probably makes more sense than daily.

When it comes to ‘live’ testing (where I try and use different boxes each time) I often might start opening each program on one box, end qa-test & switch to a different box with new qa-test on tracker & continue the opening programs from menu I started in prior test. (I usually use 3 boxes thus three qa-tests to complete all menu items; what I’m doing could be done on the first box, but I hope issues with different hardware will show themselves by using different boxes). In a large number of ‘live’ tests I only open random apps anyway (it takes a long time to open every app).

Yes if you get the same error again, it should be reported (at least in the “Bugs” column if not in the “Critical Bugs”. If it’s a ‘show stopper’ type bug it belongs in critical, though on subsequent reports I often drop to just reporting it in “Bugs” but it’ll depend on how serious I consider it (esp. how I think it’ll impact other users; if it’s something I think specific to my hardware setup I tend to treat lower than something that will impact all users, but that’s just me).

You’ll also note at the bottom of the page “Bugs to look for”, which are bugs reported by other ISO testers (reported on iso.qa.ubuntu.com). Test for these, as if multiple different users encounter a bug, it’ll be confirmed. Not all will be applicable, eg. in the Lubuntu live I see one that relates xfce4-settings which of course won’t impact Lubuntu. Your bug once in the tracker will appear on other testers “Bugs to look for” screens.

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