System doesn't start upon the last upgrade this morning

Lubuntu has offered the LTS or GA kernel on initial & the first updated media of the LTS release, ie. we included it (as all Ubuntu flavors do) on

  • Lubuntu 22.04 LTS media
  • Lubuntu 22.04.1 LTS media

For subsequent media, the HWE kernel stack is included on media; which includes the kernels & some other graphics type stacks (useful for newer hardware) from later non-LTS releases, being

  • Lubuntu 22.04.2 LTS using [HWE] kernel from 22.10
  • Lubuntu 22.04.3 LTS using [HWE] kernel from 23.04
  • Lubuntu 22.04.4 LTS using [HWE] kernel from 23.10 (this is what you’ll find on current jammy dailies; I’ll very soon modify our checklist to reflect testing of this ISO)
  • Lubuntu 22.04.5 LTS using the kernel stack from 24.04 LTS; this is the last kernel updated as it’s another LTS kernel stack, and won’t change from then on.

This process has remained the same since the 12.04 days, so a decade+ now.

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