System doesn't start upon the last upgrade this morning

My system:
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel Linux 6.2.0-39-generic(X86_64)

That’s it I just did an upgrade to my system this morning, it tries to start but it stay still in the loading screen, nothing happens beyond that, so I start first in the recovery mode, I fixed the grub and then I choose to continue with the normal start, it worked but it doesn’t load the graphics drivers so I restart the system again and again it get stuck in the lubuntu screen so I try in the advanced boot options and set it to start with the previous kernel (6.2.0-39-generic) and everything is working perfect, it seems that the problem has to do with the upgraded kernel.

The kernel installed this morning is the version 6.5.0-14-generic and the one with the problem, ¿ is it bad to be using the previous version of the kernel? ¿What should I do to get my system updated?

you shouldn’t see any issues if you hold the kernel version that works, and you’ll still be able to update other packages without issue. It’s quite simple:
sudo apt-mark hold linux-image-$(uname -r)

then update as usual:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

to remove the block on updating the kernel, it would be:
sudo apt-mark unhold linux-image-$(uname -r)


Ubuntu LTS releases have two kernel stack choices

  • the GA is 5.15 for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and remains that,
  • where as HWE upgrades providing later stacks from the later releases; 22.04.2 used 5.19 from 22.10, 22.04.3 used 6.2 from 23.04, and 6.5 comes from 23.10 as the 22.04.4 upgrades are now rolling out (do note: your system will say 22.04.3 until you’ve got all upgrades).

One option you have is to return to the GA kernel stack; which was the default if you used Lubuntu 22.04 or 22.04.1 media at install (22.04.2 & later defaults to HWE; if you were using a prior release & release-upgraded to 22.04, your initial install media sets which of GA or HWE you’re using*).

I’ll provide a link to Kernel/LTSEnablementStack - Ubuntu Wiki for more details on the stack choices, note Lubuntu and all Desktop flavors still use the standard of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop in that document (thus differing to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Desktop & later as defaults). You’ll also note if changing stack, that doc suggests testing before you remove the other stack … ie. both can be installed at the same time, with the removal of the unwanted stack optional. My own LTS releases thus have both stacks installed & I can thus decide at boot (grub) which I’ll use. If you’re using certain NVIDIA or some closed-source kernel modules (drivers) you can find both stacks cannot co-exist.

The purpose of this stack detail is it’s one option.

I’ve noted a few support questions since the HWE stack upgraded from 23.04’s 6.2 to 23.10’s 6.5, as happens every time the stack changes… once bug reports are filed, and developers are thus told of the issue & can work on it, usually a short while later most of these issues get resolved (for almost all users).

If you’d like test an unmodified system, the jammy (22.04) daily has included 6.5 kernel since Monday my local time (it’s Friday now), where I’d expect the same issue there on live media… If it doesn’t happen there, you may have a config issue that needs resolving. Alternatively 6.5 has existed on 23.10 media for much longer.

FYI: I’ll suggest remaining on the 6.2 linux kernel isn’t a great idea, as being from Ubuntu 23.04 which is fast approaching EOL (warning notices went out last month/year!) its receiving minimal attention which will soon end; being the reason for the upgrade to the 23.10 or 6.5 kernel.The GA kernel stack (5.15) is a supported and thus fully patched alternative I’ve described here.

Thanks! I had the same problem on my HP 10 TouchScreen (Win 8 vintage). I’m now holding on 6.2.0-37-generic. I was worried about updating after having rolled my kernel back, so thanks also for the DON’T PANIC in big, friendly letters.


Well, shucks.
2d Edit: Now I need to bloody find 5.15. Sorry I dropped the link from the quote; I figured “it was just a scroll away, so why bother?”

I didn’t care that the link was missing; the only reason I edited it was the [QUOTE] tag was visible & wasn’t being used, as no [/QUOTE] was present to end it; thus my edit (and adding the link required no extra effort thus why it was done too).

Not sure why you’re after re: 5.15, but I covered that with a link too in the same reply (5.15 is the GA kernel stack option for 22.04/jammy)

The quote was to explain why I went from thanking the previous respondent, to “Well, shucks” after reading your response. I should’ve read the whole thing–oh well.

I looked at the reference, and decided to write my own help request since (a) it’s a separate though related issue, and (b) I really don’t understand what to do with the mass of info on the Ubuntu archive. I wanted an LTS version when I installed Lubuntu, and I’m a bit flustered that I have apparently never had one, Kernel-wise.

Better to find it & fix it, at least, so thanks for that.


Lubuntu has offered the LTS or GA kernel on initial & the first updated media of the LTS release, ie. we included it (as all Ubuntu flavors do) on

  • Lubuntu 22.04 LTS media
  • Lubuntu 22.04.1 LTS media

For subsequent media, the HWE kernel stack is included on media; which includes the kernels & some other graphics type stacks (useful for newer hardware) from later non-LTS releases, being

  • Lubuntu 22.04.2 LTS using [HWE] kernel from 22.10
  • Lubuntu 22.04.3 LTS using [HWE] kernel from 23.04
  • Lubuntu 22.04.4 LTS using [HWE] kernel from 23.10 (this is what you’ll find on current jammy dailies; I’ll very soon modify our checklist to reflect testing of this ISO)
  • Lubuntu 22.04.5 LTS using the kernel stack from 24.04 LTS; this is the last kernel updated as it’s another LTS kernel stack, and won’t change from then on.

This process has remained the same since the 12.04 days, so a decade+ now.

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