Rustdesk Dummy Display


does anyone managed to connect to a headless Lubuntu with Rustdesk? If i want to connect without a display plugged in is will resul in an error “No displays”. If i connect a display the connection works immediatly.
There was feature on the rustdesk github repository which resolves this issue for GNOME Desktops, but i don’t want to install the whole desktop environment.
If i follow these instructions my device wont boot anymore.
Doese anyone uses rustdesk in headless mode for lubuntu and can help me?

Thanks for Your help!

Sorry, the System is not headless. It is running with normal LXQT Desktop Environment. But there is no display connected.

If you wonder by ‘‘headless’’ to connect via Rustdesk to a VM which is running ‘‘in the background’ on your host’ (as in: its screen is not visible on the host), that will work.

Exactly the same like connecting to a PC anywhere with the screen turned off.

Since your question (with the added explanation) is vague, I now wonder if your goal is to access a VM’s desktop from outside your host machine. I guess that is possible.

I think you should consider using NX (NoMachine). It’s not totally free software, and has a bit of the nineties-java-look-and-feel to it, but it works. Its data compression is really good. This is important if you want to access a machine from outside your home network.

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