Resetting network settings on Lunubtu


I can’t say I have been a big Linux user over the years hence being a noob right now

I installed Lubuntu on an old laptop for my neighbor to use on my Wifi. After having to change the wifi key a couple days back, I tried signing back in for him, but all i get when selecting my wifi network, after a few seconds is “connection lost, no longer connected to the network”, when other local networks will ask for the key.

So I was hoping to reset network settings but from what I can see at least is bare bones in options to do so, I have tried through terminal but keep getting commands for Ubuntu, which haven’t seemed to work.

Could someone shed light on this for me please? Again sorry for being a noob.



Which Lubuntu version did you install on the person’s laptop? 20.04?

If I remember correctly, there’s a sub-menu somewhere where you actually have to manually edit the WiFi passphrase or “key” as its sometimes listed.

Try looking at settings and see if you can poke around to find that for your WiFi listing.

Since I don’t know which Lubuntu you put on the laptop, I can’t be more specific.


If it’s 18.04 then you left click the wifi icon in the system tray, click on edit connections (may have to scroll down), highlight the connection, click the gear icon at the bottom, click the wi-fi security tab, and you can change your password there.


If it is 20.04 then from the menu button you can go to ‘Advanced NetworkConfiguration’ and you will find all the connections you have for lubuntu. Here you can edit the selected connection by clicking the settings button from lower left. In the new window, you may take a look at Wi-Fi Security to check for password.
In case you want to ignore this, just remove the existing connection that is not working and try to connect again from Network Connections window.


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