Regarding logging in to Active Directory users on Windows Server 2016 using LDAP authentication

Currently, we are in the process of adding a new dual-boot client with Lubuntu and Windows 11 Pro to a system that is currently running with a dual-boot of SentOS7 clients and Windows 10. The current system is authenticated using a combination of LDAP and SSSD. We are building the new system to match this setup, but we are having issues with logging into Active Directory (AD) users.

The current situation is that the configurations for ldap.conf and sssd.conf are complete, and the services are starting up normally. Using the ldapsearch command and the getent passwd username command, we can see the AD user information and the LDAP server information, but when we try to log in, the screen goes dark for a moment and then returns to the login screen.

Initially, we thought the issue was that the home directories set on the AD side were not mounted on the Lubuntu client. We added the mount information to the fstab file and executed the mount -a command, which successfully mounted the directories. We then set a different AD user’s home directory to /home/test on the client in the AD settings and managed to log in successfully, so we thought this was the cause. However, even after mounting the directories, we still cannot log in.

If there are any other items we should check, please let us know.

If you need any further assistance or specific translations, feel free to ask!

See if the points about login failure can help you.

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