After a good night sleep, I can iterate on this thread a bit more:
my texts are long and verbose (as always, due to my prosaic style of writing)
all is a reflection of my personal forensic tour, or labour, or endeavour if you like.
maybe this blog is not the best suited place for my eructations. I have a tendency to dig too deep, too early. Not everybody may like my style of working. People zoom out quickly, as I understand it
my texts should be read linear: all I’ve written was true to me, at the time of writing. Proceeding knowledge on my part make some things perhaps less correct, or even a bit asumptious (not sure that word exists). I’ve made some corrections before I posted, but not all was ameliorated
considering this, I had a good time doing some research. I have hopes this logging this will be beneficiary for someone in the future (perhaps even for ‘moi’, who knows)
I’ve learned a lot about LXQt. How to compile it, how to debug it. How to play with it essentially
perhaps amartinromero’s question will shake things up a bit. The problem was already known by at least one Lubuntu member (Roberalz), but without a proper follow-up as one would expect. Rather ad hoc, manually, and not published.
as I see it now (after reading Dan Simmons response to Roberalz post - Pending translations) the impact is pretty small. Not much is missing, and fixes could be easily provided at large. Someone has got to do it, as usually.
Perhaps in release 23.10 a permanent solution will be available for everyone. Lubuntu (and LXQt) deserve it.