Problems building software

I made a fresh install of lubuntu 22.04, ran the apt update/upgrade, and want to build the gnucash distribution (5.5) from source. I’ve done this more than once on the Ubuntu distibution, but need to loan a machine to my accountant with this installed. Hence, the target machine is an old AMD-A8 laptop with 2Gb RAM, and that’s why I’m looking at this distro.

I installed the build-essentials package without any problems, but then the first step of building gnucash is:

apt-get build-dep gnucash

Of course, this requires that one uncomment the deb-src lines in the sources.list file. However, having done this, the attempt to get these build-dep materials continues to object that I must “uncomment some deb-src lines”.

I’m probably making some unfounded assumption based on experience from Ubuntu that doesn’t translate to Lubuntu; can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?


Lubuntu is Ubuntu, meaning they share the same repositories. The only difference is the default desktop environment installed. Would you please paste your sources.list file and possibly the error you are getting?

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That was what I thought, I feel better for knowing I wasn’t being foolish in that respect, at least. Here’s what I see. I do notice there’s a second sources.list (and a documentation example), but it’s entirely empty which suggests to me that it’s not used. I guess that could be a problem, but I’ve never seen or used that one before:

$ find / -name sources.list 2>/dev/null

$ wc -l /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm/etc/apt/sources.list
0 /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm/etc/apt/sources.list

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# Automatically generated by Calamares on 2024-01-17.
# Lines starting with "deb" are mandatory, while lines starting with "deb-src"
# are for more detailed package information.

## See for how to upgrade to
## newer versions of Lubuntu.
deb jammy main restricted
deb-src jammy main restricted

## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of Lubuntu.
## Have you noticed a regression? Please report it!
deb jammy-updates main restricted
deb-src jammy-updates main restricted

## Software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu team.
## Also, please note that software in Universe WILL NOT receive any review or
## updates from the Ubuntu security team directly. Updates in this repository
## are provided by volunteers, but most come from Debian.
deb jammy universe
deb-src jammy universe
deb jammy-updates universe
deb-src jammy-updates universe

## Software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu team,
## and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as your rights
## to use the software. Also, please note that software in Multiverse WILL NOT
## receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security team directly.
deb jammy multiverse
deb-src jammy multiverse
deb jammy-updates multiverse
deb-src jammy-updates multiverse

## Software from this repository contains tested security updates from the
## Ubuntu security team.
deb jammy-security main restricted
deb-src jammy-security main restricted
deb jammy-security universe
deb-src jammy-security universe
deb jammy-security multiverse
deb-src jammy-security multiverse

## Software from this repository may not have been tested as extensively as
## software contained in the main release, although it includes newer versions
## of some applications which may provide useful features. Also, please note
## that software in Backports WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the
## Ubuntu security team.
deb jammy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src jammy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
## "partner" repository.
## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the
## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.
deb jammy partner
deb-src jammy partner

$ sudo apt build-dep gnucash
[sudo] password for simon: 
Reading package lists... Done
E: You must put some 'deb-src' URIs in your sources.list

After modifying source files, you need to update software lists before any effects are noticed by the system, ie. did you run

sudo apt update

so your system noticed the changes you made to your sources?

Well, that’s odd. I ran
sudo apt update
again, which reported three packages could be upgraded (this was reported before)
sudo apt upgrade
which said that it had not upgraded those three packages (which is as it was before)
but then I tried
apt build-dep gnucash
again (despite repeating the action and expecting a different result being “insanity” :slight_smile: ) and it worked.

No clue, but it looks like this is all behaving properly now. Many thanks for taking an interest, and apologies for seemingly having wasted your time. Still don’t understand it, but there we go.

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