Problem after updating, and freeze during the update... thx for the help im in big despair

/etc/ is a system directory so anything in it will be erased early in the install process. I mentioned I often make a copy of fstab and hosts in that directory because those are files I commonly modify on my systems.

I tend to not copy & ‘restore’ (copy-back) the files, just paste the lines in I need … but I’m installing/re-installing systems regularly for QA-test purposes; so viewing the results of blkid & pasting what is required in fstab I’d find easy & thus my preference to re-create the files on the newly installed system (I can diff what I created with the copy-pre-install to check I’ve done it right).

We all make mistakes though (why we need backups!). I did a upgrade via re-install of one of my own (non-test) 18.04 boxes replacing it with 20.04 as a QA-test (~32 hours ago), but didn’t notice the box didn’t have internet connected; so the restoration of additional packages could not occur :frowning: The install was good so test completed :slight_smile: , I just had to manually add packages myself b/c of my error :frowning:

This install is a little messy, an error on completion is to be expected if you’re using any 3rd party packages, why Lubuntu suggests a fresh or clean install. I personally like it & use it a lot. (it’s rare for me to use 3rd party packages except as snaps)

For boxes where I provide support (ie. I have a box with 20.04, 21.04, impish [21.10] on it) which also has files I don’t want to have to backup & restore… I don’t upgrade the packages on those systems - but constantly freshen their packages using this upgrade via re-install method (where daily ISOs are spun, ie. focal or impish). My files don’t get touched & if I need to use that box for support or other; I know I can have clementine start playing my music without any setup even after a re-install (I use clementine by choice, but also mention it as it’s not included with a default Lubuntu install so it’s likely the first I’ll notice if packages fail to get added-back).

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Super thanks for the answer.
to summurize
I finally decide to install 21.04 on a new partition ( i had empty slot for this purpose), but forgot that when you install new linux many problems occurs haha thanks linux, this os never works for the first time…

doing a fresh install didnt really answer to the post, i let my orignal partition untouched in case i find time to “try repair” the mess.

copy pasting line from previous fstab to new one worked well, i also copy paste the samba config, might sound stupid to precise that but i never did that before, and for a newbie its a lot a time saved

now the only (i hope) problem i faced is that the new lubuntu boot only by selecting recovery mode haha, i have to select recovery then resume normal boot… well its better than not working at all.
I guess its an nvidia/xorg i dunno what problem

just to say im a bit mixed about this new 21.04, 18.04 looks simplier…

Because you’re now asking about a new install (and an on-topic issue), can you please start a new thread.

Please be specific as to your issue, the mention of needing to select recovery may imply graphic issues (as you guessed with nvidia/xorg) or something else; as it’s not clear to me what you’re describing.

Yes i ll create a new thread for this thanks.

Ok a little update about my last black screen boot problem.
I solved it by writing nomodeset in the /etc/default/grub files
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=“quiet splash nomodeset”

= )


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