Notify-send print the word "notify-send" above the title of the notification

Eg: notify-send "Title" "Body"

As you can see in the following screenshot, also “notify-send” is printed in the notification; there is a way to avoid this?
This doesn’t occurs in other Linux operating system, like eg Manjaro.


Kind regards.

LXQt defaults the notification app-name to the sender. (other DEs default it to a blank). So just force it to a blank;

notify-send --help

notify-send --app-name “A name” “A titile” “A body”

notify-send --app-name “” “A titile” “A body”


Forcing to a blank doesn’t work, I had to:

notify-send --app-name “Title” " " "Body", in this way works as expected.
Thank you.

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