Hi, I have intel computestick ,Windows version with 2GB of RAM and Intel® Atom™ Z3735F CPU. It’s pretty old and weak piece of hardware, I hoped that lubuntu will give it another life.
I installed lubuntu 22.04LTS on it and it work well. however since I got only a single USB2 port, I use a USB2 hub to connect my peripherals(mouse, keyboard, WIFI adapter etc…). what I noticed is that these device tends to stop working randomly.
for example I have issue to connect to WIFI using USB WIFI adapter after sometime(frequent disconnects, after that I am unable to connect to any WIFI) or mouse/keyboard suddenly stop responding.
I tried to disable USB power management on OS level(should force it to stay on all the time) but it doesn’t seems to solve it.
I used this guide to disable it to my wifi adapter: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1386217/wifi-power-management-keeps-turning-on
do you have any ideas on how to solve this issue?
It’s a lockup. All of the devices are competing for the same bus. i.e. you’ve found the hardware limitation by experimentation…
I have found that wifi dongles are flakey (minis to bunny ears); it doesn’t matter how powerful the host (or OS) or the usb version available. So, if you have an internal chip and your network supports something faster, then try to upgrade the internal chip. There are wifi 6 chips for most of the old laptops. That would remove one device competing for your limited usb resource -and- get you some bandwidth out of the old platform.
You should be able to get away with the keyboard and mouse on the splitter. Possibly a storage device, but, then you will run into slowdowns, stutters or freeze-ups as you add more…
yes, it the first generation which got out with only 1 port(they tried to make low power and small), there is a built in WIFI but it doesn’t work well so I don’t want to use it(I think it can support to to n).
its not possible to upgrade anything there, its closed 10cmX4cm device.
also I didn’t had this issue on windows, but windows it was to heavy for this device.
Well, note that dongles that support linux are rather limited and the ones that do support linux aren’t very good. I’ve had issues with dongles under Windows 11 on a G7, USB 3.0, supposedly wifi 6 (ax), but, it didn’t come close, it certainly performed worse than the wifi 5 (ac) internal adapter. Nothing else was sharing the port either…
I Figured it out, turns out that I mistakenly connect computestick to that same hub output for power(it draws power from USB port, around 5V 2A) . I guess that WIFI dongles tries to pull to much power so the USB hub shuts its power down, I conncted computestick power adapter directly to power outlet and it looks ok for now. Thanks anyway!!