Minimum system requirements to install Lubuntu in this POST case?

minimum system requirements to install lubuntu LTS latest version in a 28.8 exfat Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 USB Device usb stick ?

This was answered on, where you also asked this question.

A gig of RAM and a 64 bit CPU. I seem to recall a bare OS being less than 12 GB in size with 22.04, though it has been a while since I’ve done one. That will fit on your USB drive just fine.

I will add that even USB 3.0 will run ‘slow’ on boot or when loading software into RAM.


Lubuntu does not provide what you’re asking for, as stated in this blog

we will no longer provide minimum system requirements

The requirements will vary on a number of things, including how often you apply security fixes (users who do it less often need more disk space when upgrades accrue), whether or not they’ll be adding additional software to their system (this will need space, and the types of packages added also impacts space required) and a myriad of other items such as will they want to release-upgrade to a later release (as this will require substantial free disk space) or as many bloggers prefer just nuke & install which of course needs less.

We all use our systems differently, and thus what we consider minimum requirements will vary too.


Just an FYI.

The numbers I came up with are from here:

(They’re in the text above the various links.)


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