A quick list maybe
Lubuntu 18.04 category | Lubuntu 18.04 | Lubuntu 20.04 |
Accessories | Archive Manager | Ark |
Accessories | Disks | KDE Partition Manager |
Accessories | File Manager (PCManFM) | PCMANFM-Qt |
Accessories | Galculator | KCalc |
Accessories | Image Viewer (gpicview) | LXImage |
Accessories | Leafpad | Featherpad |
Accessories | Xpad | |
Accessories | nobleNote | |
Graphics | Document Viewer | qpdfview |
Graphics | Simple Scan | Skanlite |
Graphics | mtPaint graphic editor | LibreOffice Draw |
Internet | Firefox Web Browser | Firefox Web Browser |
Internet | Pidgin Internet Messenger | |
Internet | Quassel IRC | |
Internet | Sylpheed | Trojita |
Internet | Transmission | Qtransmission |
Office | Abiword | LibreOffice Writer |
Office | Gnumeric | LibreOffice Calc |
Office | LibreOffice Impress | |
Office | LibreOffice Math | |
Sound & Video | Audacious | VLC |
Sound & Video | GNOME MPV | VLC |
Sound & Video | PulseAudio Volume Control | PulseAudio Volume Control |
Sound & Video | XFburn | K3b |
Sound & Video | gucview | |
System Tools | Gdebi | Muon Package Manager |
System Tools | Gparted | KDE Partition Manager |
System Tools | htop | htop |
System Tools | LX-Terminal | Qterminal |
System Tools | Software | Discover |
System Tools | Software Updater | Discover or “Apply Full Upgrade” |
System Tools | Startup Disk Creator | Startup Disk Creator |
System Tools | Synaptic Package Manager | Muon Package Manager |
System Tools | System Profiler and Benchmark | |
System Tools | Task Manager | qps |
System Tools | Time and Date | Date and Time (LXQt settings) |
System Tools | Users and Groups | Users and Groups (LXQt settings) |
This was done via a Lubuntu 18.04.4 ‘live’ system (20200203) and compared with a Lubuntu 20.04 default install. It was done quickly and I may have made errors, or omitted some.
(The Pidgin & Quassel don’t quite line up intentionally, that’s me however Quassel can be used to replace Pidgin for many use cases)
Original at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ehbS4wB6WeODkK998-y0fOJwDDeaWLqYFvgeLas7b_o/edit?usp=sharing