Lubuntu 22.04 LTS freezes

there are no available issue for pcmanfm, so i will write feedback here.

first, lubuntu is not Lightweight, cause it eats hundreds and hundreds Mb RAM,
and i can not understand, why windows hp was able to provide the same functionaly for Megabytes RAM and single core MHz CPU,
for that functionality modern windows and linux now need Gigabyte(s) RAM and multicore GHz CPU… the great absurd, the shame!

second, you make no available to replace pcmanfm with something other, not so buggy!
there are no way to delete pcmanfm in lubuntu, cause desktop and system depend on it…((

lubuntu 22.04 LTS, Asus TUF Gaming F15

there are next bug, that freezes the system, freezes mouse and keyboard input,
nothing helps, only hard reset with data losses –

1 – install Gnokii / XGnokii, connect nokia by usb, connected, open folder – lubuntu frozen … ((

2 – the same, connect nokia – all ok, nokia connected, try to create new dir onto PC disc (not nokia) – lubuntu frozen … ((

3 – want to record screen video by silentcast - colinkeenan/silentcast#8 -

compton -b

and lubuntu frozen …((
but with config not freezes –

compton --config ~/.config/compton.conf -b

4 – also usb stick can be damaged with it –
you can click Unmount, but not see that pcmanfm eats the glue, and usb will be damaged ((

5 – also there was other case for get frozen lubuntu, but i forget now some details, cannot describe now

this list will be updated, thank you …

P.S. lubuntu 14.04 LTS , 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS was not so freeze-bugy, like 22.04 LTS …
just install earlyoom for prevent browser eat all RAM, and all ok, not like now…

pcmanfm was used by the LXDE desktop; last used by Lubuntu 18.04 LTS. It’s a deprecated desktop currently as its still using the deprecated GTK2 libraries after it’s creator (PCMan) blogged about how heavy GTK3 was, and thus created a newer program as replacement, ie. pcmanfm-qt which uses the lighter Qt5 and was presented as a replacement. Lubuntu 18.10 & later use pcmanfm-qt.

pcmanfm and pcmanfm-qt are different programs, even if from the same Creator (being PCMan)

Yes LXDE relied on pcmanfm to handle aspects of the desktop; it helped keep the desktop lighter which is a AIM of the desktop (the first L), just as it is with LXQt where again pcmanfm-qt handles part of the desktop & also doubles as the file-manager (L in LXQt still stands for light). This is by design in the code & is used by a number of desktops beyond just LXDE & LXQt too.

I’ve moved your question here (to off-topic), as it appears to me to be not asking for support, only a rant.

LXDE was a GTK2 desktop, and extremely light when used with GTK2 apps (though there are very few of those, most having been ported to newer GTK3 where LXDE doesn’t perform as well). LXQt is a Qt5 desktop & performs best when used with Qt5 apps (there are loads more of those than GTK2 apps!) though won’t be as efficient if used with apps that use different toolkits/libs (eg. GTK3), but both GTK2 or Qt5 desktops perform at a disadvantage in that case.

If you want a light system, consider both the desktop & all applications you’ll run on it; so you’re not wasting resources by requiring multiple toolkits/libraries to share RAM when they do exactly the same thing. As I still use devices with only 1GB of RAM I’m very aware of wasting RAM, but I do consider that my job (and not the task of the OS I use).

Lubuntu I’m still convinced, and I’ve read many reviews that have confirmed, is the lightest flavor of Ubuntu… but we as end-users must I feel also consider what we’ll do with the system once we install it, as extremely few of don’t add additional apps after installing Lubuntu (or any other OS).

ps: The desktop I’m replying here on is a 2008 dell desktop… ie. hardly a modern speed demon, thus a light system matters to me, and I for one am happy with Lubuntu.

what is deprecated?
Lubuntu 22.04 LTS is deprecated?
are you kidding me?!
why my bug report moved to offtopic?
check the screenshots – this is not deprecated

pcmanfm is still a package found in Ubuntu repositories, but it’s not a Lubuntu package being a LXDE package that was last used by Lubuntu in 18.04.

For 18.10 & later, LXDE packages including pcmanfm are pure upstream Debian.

Lubuntu 18.10 & later use LXQt & not LXDE.

We don’t support pcmanfm as we support LXQt and thus use the more modern pcmanfm-qt which is a more modern program by the same creator PCMan.

Do you mean instead pcmanfm-qt as that is a different program, and that is used by Lubuntu 22.04 LTS (thus the closure of your bug, as you filed against pcmanfm and not pcmanfm-qt)

If you’d like Lubuntu to look at the bug, I’d suggest filing a bug report using launchpad. Please see as we use the Launchpad Bug tracker and that gives details.

Yes you can file online here, but please be clear with details as they do matter. If filed using ubuntu-bug the package details will be clear due to uploaded data. You can also read the Ubuntu bug reporting doc here and please watch your language.

do you REALLY read about bug, that is disturbing me onto Lubuntu 22.04 LTS ?
please read that again and check the screenshots in my previous message –
the problem is REAL, and problem is in ACTUAL Lubuntu – 22.04 LTS :((

and please do not say that i no need to record videos and no need to connect phones with usb :((

can you check screenshots before to write answer?
i write about the default file manager in Lubuntu 22.04 LTS, and i create the screenshots of that bugged shit!

you are crazy kidding – you have few repos with the same name O_o
different programs with the same name O_o

so here will be true place for this bug report

maybe problem root is onto using C++ , so not be afraid to rewrite this program in Rust,
just please not name new program again in the same name, ok?
thank you

The details on the LXQt site are almost non-existent.

No clues as to your software stack were given, except Lubuntu 22.04 LTS. No mention of if it was the released version of LXQt, or upgraded once, twice etc. from backports.

We (Lubuntu) are not going to change an application name if one person doesn’t like it, the creator of the program can decide that name. pcmanfm and pcmanfm-qt are in fact different names (the first five characters being the creators name don’t forget)

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there are programs versions onto screenshots,
but you want not to look onto screenshots , well work!

so you cannot fix the bug, cause you want not to listen about the bug, well work!

you are so cool support, i am wondered !

anyway thank you!
i hope you will be helped as good as you help others!
bye bye

out of curiosity, what is the spec of your machine?

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