Lubuntu 22.04 LTS Autologin problem

Hi dear lubuntu community! Im new Linux user and i have problems :sob:
First of the all, im installed lubuntu 22.04 LTS on my old laptop, and i wanna make autologin, i make that my power button make function of pause, and distro will sleep fast, and wake up fast (idk how u can recognise that) Look at screenshot!

I search some guids like, how to make autologin, i make like on vids/reddit guide,

sudo nano etc/sddm.conf

And i was on line user=my name, and after that i dont know how apply my changes!
And after that, i anyway i have screen with login page like on screenshot. How to fix that? Maybe on setting or on terminal, tell me please like step by step, cause im really noob on this!

The first picture you show is a xscreensaver login screen, ie. because a session was locked, it requires unlock.

That is not a sddm screen, and thus won’t be impacted by changes you make to your sddm or DM configuration.

Autologin gets around the DM login when you start the computer, but not a locked session. To change the xscreensaver settings you amend the screensaver settings.

If it’s the screen or session lock you’re trying to prevent, sorry I’ve not ever tried to do that (I consider that a security risk). Is that what you’re trying to do?


Its old laptop for watching films, im bind power button on pause mode (i guess) that, i push button, and laptop go shut down, and when im push back, i need to login, and i can continue watching films!
But its very annoying to login everytime, i dont know how make do it automatically. Help me please!

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