Lubuntu 21.04 hirsute startup disk creator not work

Lubuntu 21.04 hirsute the startup disk creator tool not work.
If click in the menu link not start the tool.
Using instead balena etcher.


I can confirm this unfortunately :frowning:

On my main system it starts correctly, however I booted a QA-test install (from just before release, ie. a clean install) and it doesn’t start, and I see a .crash file in /var/crash.

If run from a terminal (on test system) I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/usb-creator-kde", line 21, in <module>
    import sip
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sip'

I can’t provide more currently, I’ll try and look tomorrow if I can, but I tend to use mkusb

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balena etcher is very easy

Another confirm - tested on Lubuntu Hirsute 21.04 Final release.

I filed a bug report nr. 1926414.

As far as I can see this only affects new installs - I tested this on a machine running Lubuntu 20.10 and upgraded to 21.04 and had no problem with Startup disk creator"

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I had a brief play using the detail in my prior comment hoping to find the missing package (No module named 'sip') between my primary box (where it works) and the a QA-test hirsute

(my primary box doesn’t make it easy as it’s been release-upgraded 8 times & has been heavily modified)

I’ll endeavor to try again to find what’s different when I can.

Thanks @leok

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It didn’t work during testing - but I figured that it was either because it was in a VM or because it was the live environment. In hindsight, I probably should have mentioned that. It simply doesn’t open when you click on it.


balena etcher is being an good alternative and allow write other ISOs tyoes in USB drive

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That’s what I use and recommend. There are some folks who think that using an Electron application is a bit too much for writing images, but I just use Etcher.

good detail about etcher is possible write another types of ISO (clonezilla and etc).

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The fix for this was released to Updates a short while ago according to the bug. You should see the update soon through your normal update process.


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