Lubuntu 18.04, PCManFM 1.2.5, PDF Thumbnail Previews, Evince downgrade

The last version of evince on Lubuntu 18.04 has stop the thumbnails preview in pcmanfm.

I solved the problem doing a downgrade:

sudo apt-cache show evince
sudo apt install -y libevdocument3-4=3.28.2-1
sudo apt install -y libevview3-3=3.28.2-1
sudo apt install -y evince=3.28.2-1

Anyone knows how update without crash this feature?
I am waiting for 20.04, but I will continue using LXDE because LXQt don’t work with themes like LXDE.

It looks like it was a security update so you should probably reconsider the downgrade. It does affect thumbnailing specifically. Actually, this part of the security issue. You should file a clear bug report against evince (ubuntu-bug evince) so developers can ensure the mitigation doesn’t affect functionality.

Well, it doesn’t use GTK themes, but it does work with themes. Perhaps there’s a misunderstanding? Explain what you’re trying to accomplish and perhaps we can help you.

Thanks for your answer @wxl,

I’m using lubuntu bionic, and I created a showdesktop like windows just changing icon size to 61x256 px.

Here is my showdesktop on LXDE:

I’m testing lubuntu focal daily and try to create the same showdesktop. But the width of plugin don’t resize and a can’t find a option in file conf to change this.

Here is my showdesktop on LXQt:

It’s too large, you know how fix this?

There’s a reason Lubuntu Bionic didn’t have LXQt: it wasn’t really ready for prime time. I would use a newer version of Bionic and I’m sure you’ll have a better experience overall.

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