Lubuntu 18-04 i386 , bug apres mise a jour, fenetre bureau rognée à gauche

j’utilise cette version depuis deux ans.
apres une mise à jour classique je constate que la fenetre bureau n’occupe plus tout l’écran, il y a une bande grise à gauche.
à l’allumage tout se passe normalement jusqu’au login, la fenetre occupe tout l’écran. Puis apres la connection la fenetre bureau est rognée ? a part cela tout fonctionne bien.
comment faire ? comment avertir le support de ce bug probable ?

Lubuntu 18.04 LTS is no longer a supported release, please see .

Supported releases of Lubuntu currently are

  • Lubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Lubuntu 21.10 (until 14 July 2022)
  • Lubuntu 22.04 LTS

If it’s a bug with LXDE, Lubuntu now support LXQt only. It should also be tested with a current release, and LXDE on later releases is from upstream Debian. However please note, no changes have occurred in LXDE since April 2021 when the packages reached end of life.

If your issue is related to the base Ubuntu system, that is still supported, and you can seek support on a Ubuntu site, or to file a bug I’ll provide the following link - ReportingBugs - Community Help Wiki. Do note many support sites are english only, but some (including IRC) allow french language support.

FYI: You can use the command ubuntu-support-status to see which packages on your system are still supported by Ubuntu; you’ll note that doesn’t include any Lubuntu or ‘universe’ packages.

il n’y a pas de possibilité de nouvelles mises à jour pour cette version, car de la part de lubuntu, elle n’est plus prise en charge


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