Hi guys! It’s Andrew, i new at discourse
can i ask? Thanks… So, is it worth switch to Lubuntu?
I’m sure you’ll find a bias here, but, yes.
Andrew, there is an excellent way to find out.
Just use ‘Try Lubuntu’ instead of ‘Install Lubuntu’ after starting the installer (see chapter 1.3 of Lubuntu Manual). This will not change your old system.
Agree with @Wolf314 - best way to find out is to give it a try.
I’ll add my 2c & thoughts.
We can’t provide any meaningful advice as we have no details. I’d consider the following
- switching from what? I’d contrast a Lubuntu release (you didn’t specify release) with whatever you’re using now, as not only the ‘brand’ (ie. Lubuntu) matters, but also the age of the software stack you’re including (ie. 24.04 LTS, or 22.04 LTS are different; even if they’re both ‘Lubuntu’)
- Lubuntu is a Ubuntu system at its core, which if course has benefits, but for some that will also have costs… There are minor differences between flavors of Ubuntu and the main Ubuntu products (esp. regards security checks etc), but as I don’t know what you’re comparing the system too I have no idea
- Lubuntu being a Ubuntu system has [easy] kernel stack choice if using a LTS release, so this could be of benefit; esp. if using older hardware
- at its core a Lubuntu system is still a GNU/Linux system, so if you’re comparing to another GNU/Linux system of similar stack age, the difference will be minimal, but I have no idea what you’re comparing it to.
I don’t exclusively use Ubuntu (and I see Lubuntu as a Ubuntu system, so whilst I’m using Lubuntu oracular currently; to me it’s Ubuntu), but see Lubuntu/Ubuntu as a tool that I’ll install and use when I consider it the best tool for that specific job.