i have tried to moving pcmanfm-qt/* files into ~/.config/pcmanfm-qt but it does nothing.
i have tried reboot the system as well but it remains same i dont know why my config file is not reflecting any effect.
Your release details aren’t provided, nor your LXQt version details (eg. 22.04 can have LXQt upgraded via Lubuntu backports), but you also refer to a relative path in your question which requires $PWD to be known in order to interpret your detail.
On my release (oracular) my settings of pcmanfm-qt
can be seen with the command
guiverc@d7050-next:~/.config/pcmanfm-qt/lxqt$ ls -lah
total 20K
drwxrwxr-x 2 guiverc guiverc 4.0K Sep 3 13:14 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 guiverc guiverc 4.0K Jan 7 2024 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 guiverc guiverc 70 Aug 25 14:17 desktop-items--1.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 guiverc guiverc 463 Sep 3 13:14 recent-files.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 guiverc guiverc 2.4K Sep 3 13:14 settings.conf
which will hopefully answer your question. You’ll note the timestamp on the settings.conf
is only moments ago, because I made a change in my pcmanfm-qt
settings just so it would be obvious.
A reboot may not be necessary (after change), but it wouldn’t surprise me if a restart of the app maybe required for changed values to be recognized (that app is running when LXQt is operating as its handles some of the desktop we use; thus logout/login maybe necessary; but I’ve not explored to confirm this)
I am using the latest Lubuntu 24.04.1. I clean installed this on my PC. I was trying to move my PCManFM-Qt configuration files from a different PC (this one is also running on Lubuntu 24.04.1) after deleting the files in ~/.config/pcmanfm-qt/
. However, moving my modified files into that directory does not reflect any changes, and when I reboot my system, those files reset on their own. The same happens with QTerminal.org; when I replace my modified files with the stock files, it shows changes for the time being, but when I reboot my PC, it resets to its default values.
i hope i was able to explain you my problem.
Thanks for helping me.
I’m not sure how you are importing (if I can use that term rather than move) onto the machine…
Are you using a text terminal (and I don’t mean qterminal
on a GUI, but text terminal via Ctrl+Alt+F4 for example), or pushing the files from another device (ie. scp
or other means controlled by another machine?; again no running GUI to interfere), etc OR have pcmanfm-qt
running whilst you do it (ie. have a LXQt session running?).
Whilst I’ve done no experimentation, the LXQt desktop uses pcmanfm-qt
to display what we see as our LXQt desktop, thus if you have LXQt running, then pcmanfm-qt
is actually running (even if you’re not using it as a file-manager which is only one of its roles!), and I wonder when you exit/reboot, it would cause the files you think are gone (but because they were in-use by running desktop session; inodes couldn’t be freed [yet])… I don’t know if this is possible, but IF you have a LXQt session active; there is more involved than just the files on the disk (as in effect our system is a multi-process/user type of system).
How are you doing your
FYI: There may be more involved you’ve not mentioned, such as differences in versions of LXQt software too, as I’m limited to details you provide & currently I only know what 24.04 is involved. I’ve successfully moved configs from one box to others (including from/to Lubuntu to non-Ubuntu systems) but what I do, and what you’ve done may differ greatly (I usually go beyond just single app; unless its specific apps & I’d not normally do something as critical as pcmanfm-qt
that’s very critical to the LXQt desktop)