From Lubuntu 22.04 to 24.04

Hallo to Everybody.

I would want to upgrade several notebooks from Lubuntu 22.04 to the new LTS one, 24.04.

Now we are after the 15th of August, I’ve “googled” for informations about this upgrade but I’ve found near nothing regarding Lubuntu.

So, I ask if there is something “strange” that is already known and that I should expect in doing this upgrade or if I can go confidently and calmy :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for your support.

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Recently @guiverc has written a post about this.

The new date is now August 29th.


The release-upgrades are handled by the same tool for all Ubuntu products including flavors like Lubuntu; this is managed by the Ubuntu Release Team.

They provide their announcements via mailing list, and on the Ubuntu Community Hub, which also gets posted elsewhere too including many bloggers.

Most flavors don’t provide extra notices; given we’re all Ubuntu products underneath, and thus we’re all impacted equally (just as we all release together).


Thanks for your reply @Wolf314 and @guiverc

Maybe it could be useful to open an ‘official topic’ in this forum when the upgrading will be available with all the issues, tips&tricks etc. that could be encountered during the upgrade (this is only a little suggestion).


Thanks for the suggestion, I only pasted the other notice @Wolf314 referred to as a result of a reddit thread as I didn’t consider the issue as worthy of an initial post (on delay annoucement) for this site, and your query sort of confirms users would benefit from delay notices here.

As for upgrade instructions, our documentation is largely the manual, plus release notes (both Lubuntu and the referred to Ubuntu release notes; as most issues are not distro specific, thus get listed in the Ubuntu release notes so all flavor readers get to see them), which I consider enough personally. However my own view is of course influenced by how I see Lubuntu, ie. the Lubuntu I’m using right now I still see as a Ubuntu system; thus I’ll always read Ubuntu notices… and maybe that’s not how many end-users see it. Thanks again.


Do you already know the official blog of Lubuntu?
There the release of 24.04.1 will be published as soon as possible. To see what you can expect, have a look at the publication made at the release of 22.04.1.


@Wolf314 Yes, I already know the official blog of Lubuntu, I’m an Lubuntu user from the 16.04 version… many years far now…
What I mean is those little problems that the Lubuntu flavor could specifically have, or also some suggestions that some users could give during their experience of use in doing the upgrade. After all, Lubuntu is not only an assembling of Ubuntu base + LXQT desktop environment :slight_smile:
There are some web sites that give this kind of informations but maybe it could be nice to find the same things in your official forum.
When I am in troubles, I always look for LXQT and Ubuntu informations, but sometimes I have found specific problems for Lubuntu.
Anyway, mine was only a suggestion, the same infos could be found elsewhere in the web.


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