Change user interface language in LibreOffice


I installed Lubuntu 20.04 in my computer a week ago (fresh install).

I have checked that Lubuntu has LibreOffice pre-installed.

I want to change the default user interface language to Spanish language, so:
i) I tried in Libreoffice, Tools \ Options \ Languages \ user interface change to Spanish language but there is only one option: “English (USA)” so
ii) I downloaded the deb Spanish language package “LibreOffice_6.4.3.2_Linux_x86-64_deb_langpack_es” from the LibreOffice web and I tried to install it through Qapt-deb-installer first and then with the Terminal with the command: sudo dpkg -i *.deb but with both methods I get the same kind of errors “cannot satisfy dependencies” in Qapt-deb-installer and dependency problems in Terminal.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


You have to install ‘Language Support’ (if you don’t have it installed), you can use Discover and search for it and install it, you will see it in the Preferences menu after installation, then, add the language(s) you want.

Thank you for your quick answer, It worked!!!

Kind regards.

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