Can't find Windows to remove from bootloader after installing 20.04.1

Thank you for the quick reply acor,
I downloaded plop, burned the CD, & when it mounted to my computer it wiped out my internet connection (don’t know why it did that). I’m hesitant to try it again as I would have to replace board.bin files yet again.

Sorry to hear that, how bizarre, I didn’t have any issues with plop in that regard.

Have used it a few times now, but always with 32 bit machines. Have you thought about creating an install DVD from Lubuntu installer instead?

Also, out of curiosity when you tried to install from usb before, did you use a usb-c drive or just a normal one with an adapter?

I am a bit confused … a few questions and a suggestion if the bootloader problem is still unsolved.

What is the current status? Do you have any data on the machine that you need to save?

As far as I can make out you have a Microsoft Surface Go is that correct?

If so you might want to enter the BIOS and disable secure boot - then you can re-install Lubuntu (erase disk) and it is goodbye to Windows.

Here is a link with info on changing your BIOS settings on the Surface GO scroll down to section #8 …hope this helps.

I read that it has to be a USB C drive not an old USB-A with an adapter, so bear this in mind too.

Welcome! leok,
I disabled secure boot in uefi & also disabled boot lock to no avail (I still get a Windows screen with a red bar, & an unlocked icon w/i the bar, @ the top of the screen) when I boot my computer; acor has been very helpful & pointed me to Plop’s w/s for a Boot Mgr; I know I’m not using it correctly because every new install of Lubuntu doesn’t wipe out the Windows remnants. Your thoughts? Thanks.

Sorry I have no knowledge or experience with Plop.
After disabling secure boot did you not try to use the USB drive to install Lubuntu?

Also would be nice to know more about the machine – Surface Go what model?

FYI: this is my boot info:


I have the 1st gen Surface Go; purchased in 2018. My attempts to install a fresh install of 20.04.1 are from a bootable USB.

When you boot the machine do you hit F12 to select the boot device?

No, never thought to do that. FYI: every new attempt to install 20.04.1 wipes out my internet connection & I’ve had to copy new board.bin files to connect to my network; will that happen again on this attempt? Thanx.

If you hit F12 at boot you can “try” Lubuntu without installing.
That will also enable you to test the Internet connection.I am not familiar with the board,bin files - so yes I would save them if you need to use them.

You can then install Lubuntu and when you get to the “partitions” section select “erase disk”.

If that does not work I am stumped.

Thanx, I will give it a try & let you know how it goes.

On boot, held down Fn key & F12; didn’t access bootable USB to ‘try’ Lubuntu.

Just F12 not the function (fn)key.

Thanx, will try it again.

F12 alone didn’t work; booted to existing OS.

OK…been doing some digging at Microsoft …I think you need to see the Microsoft support site it is full of information about the Surface machines - they do not use the standard F12 boot - scrool down to “Make this surface start from a USB device” .

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More…you might find it easier to go into the BIOS and change the boot order. Set the order to boot first from the USB drive.

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I did that when I 1st tried to replace Win10 w/Lubuntu 20.04.1; I couldn’t access the bootable USB directly, & had to access thru Windows to install Lubuntu, which has created every problem described in this thread. I still don’t understand why I have two boots on my HD & which one will help me wipe out the Windows remnants.

When you first tried to replace Windows…you had secure boot enabled…now you do not so please try to change the boot order again and set USB 1st - give it a try.

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