Can't change keyboard locale on logon screen with lxqt (Lubuntu 19.04, 19.10 and 20.04)

Та же ерунда на 20.04. Есть решение хоть у кого-то?

Вот тут нашел решение:
более подробно расписано на АРЧ-вики:

cat /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup
# Xsetup - run as root before the login dialog appears

if [ -e /sbin/prime-offload ]; then
    echo running NVIDIA Prime setup /sbin/prime-offload

setxkbmap -layout us

Добавил последнюю строчку в файле

Yuo, I saw this GitHub issue, but… This is PARTILALY workaround, because I want to use “BOTH” layouts - same as in system (but my password always in English still).

So for English only passwords - it’s workaround.
…But what about LXQT installing from apt/tasksel from “clean” Ubuntu [Server]/netboot CD - this bug doesn’t persists after THAT install…

Anyway, thaks for RIGHT link - link to information about xorg bug (in XCB):

Strange, why it presents in Lubuntu > 19.10 install from LiveCD and DOESN’T present after installing “Lubuntu Desktop” with, for example, tasksel (even from Ubuntu netboot LiveCD [yes, it’s still exist for Ubuntu 20.04, but last modified in 2020-04 - still can install up-to-date Ubuntu and even Lubuntu])

Meanwhile, I saw, that on GitHub issue somebody wrote setxkbmap us,ru. My first try with this command was failed. Maybe, I did something wrong, need to try again…

Install with us locale. After the first login, put the lxqt locale to russian and keyboard layout to russian. (preferences - LXQt configuration)

I have tested it several times and it always works

the sddm flag changes when you write something.


I’ve stumbled upon the same problem even recently.
Sure there should be more intuitive or more understandable how to switch layout, and this is an important part of OS(!). But i believe people mostly tend to overcomplicate things digging for solution.
So, this is what helped me eventually:
I’ve got an ancient desktop with lubuntu 20.04 (and i definitely like its look & feel).
File: etc/default/keyboard added XKBOPTIONS=“grp:lalt_lshift_toggle”, but might need reboot after

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you can change the language also by adding the keyboard applet to the panel


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Is this still a problem?

Yes, of course. Lubuntu 20.04.1 Live CD is still the same, so I must use netboot Ubuntu iso to correctly install Lubuntu 20.04. All solutions in this thread are workarounds.

Same for Lubuntu 20.10.
@guiverc , @Roberalz , Dis somebody try to recreate “livecd” system image? for example, install lubuntu from netboot by tasksel, then add “missing” packages, remove unnecessary packages and THEN create livecd. As I sayed, this bug doesn’t suddenly persist if install Lubuntu NOT from official livecd (for example, from netboot livecd)…

In fact, installed from Ubuntu server in English, adding after installation the Russian language, I enter with a password in English and the rest of the system is in Russian. I don’t see a problem anywhere.

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why do you need two languages ​​to log in?, if you have the password in one language or another, just play with the locales

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@Roberalz , because it’s wrong system state. And don’t like that.

@Roberalz , pay attention: this bug DOESN’T PRESENT, if to install Lubuntu from Netboot CD or from Ubuntu Server.

Again about using one locale fo login screen. Yes, it’s another workaround - install Lubuntu with English locale ant then reconfigure all system to use Russian locale, use English and Russian keyboard layouts… But it’s take time (multiple dpkg-reconfigure, reinstall keyboar layouts in GUI, reinstall layout change shourtcut)

And again, I still wondering, why this bug dosen’t present when installing Lubuntu by tasksel from “internet”, not from official Lubuntu ISO…

*doesn’t present

Any suggestions?..