Bug in Lubuntu 23.10: Hidden items of the desktop are not remembered after rebooting the computer

Steps to reproduce
right click on the desktop
select Hide Desktop Items (result: the items are not any more on the desktop)
reboot the computer
wait till the computer restarts

there are items on the desktop

there should be no items on the desktop

Lubuntu 23.10
LXQt Desktop

Alternative to hide permanently items of the desktop even after rebooting the computer:
main menu, Preferences, LXQt Settings, Desktop, Advanced:
deactivate all files
Apply, OK


Thank you for sharing your discovery. I will see if I can test this myself.

Ok, so I just downloaded the latest ISO for 23.10 and I installed it on a VM without EFI mode.

I didn’t run updates after install and simply tested hiding the desktop icons using right click.

Rebooted and icons were still hidden. Not able to reproduce this myself just yet. Maybe I have to run updates.

Did you upgrade from a previous release or did you do a fresh install?

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Did you upgrade from a previous release or did you do a fresh install?

Fresh install. And updates.

Did you select LXQt Desktop at login?

Nope, just left it at default Lubuntu selection.

I just booted the VM again and chose LXQt at the login screen and my desktop icons are still hidden.

Running updates now… will see what happens.

Just finished updates and rebooted. Desktop icons are still hidden for me.

Maybe you have backports enabled?

What does it show when you click About LXQt from panel menu?

What does it show when you click About LXQt from panel menu?

LXQt 1.3.0

Maybe you have backports enabled?

I installed Lubuntu in a normal way and I updated the system in a normal way, so no special settings.

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