Brand new update fresh install of noble, my programs seem to be locked out of public and private files it should have access to

i have tired everything even asking an AI, i tried sudo apt i tried pip and every variations, i finally got the package installer to work, but after install it says cant find the files it just installed, and is affecting my python ides where it wont detect python modules, but it also seems to be affecting some of the main programs who dont seem to have access to public or private files it should have by default, and some of the programs wont detect files on usb drives.

So much information is missing here:

  1. Which version of Python are you trying to use? Assuming itā€™s not the stock version, how did you install it? Which version?
  2. What Python packages did you install and how did you install them?
  3. Which IDEs youā€™re using and, again, how did you install them?
  4. Which modules arenā€™t being detected?
  5. Which ā€œmain programsā€ youā€™re referring to?
  6. Which files you think these programs should have access to?
  7. Regarding the USB drives:
    1. Have you mounted them?
    2. What file system are they using?
    3. If they are mounted and using a compatible file system, what files donā€™t you see and what exact output do you get from listing their contents?
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Python 3.12
I use IDLE but i experimented with other IDEs
i believe i used Apt install for everything since pip wasnt work it used too.
all of them that didnt come with the full install of python. i used full install.
as for folders i was trying to load a document file from external hardrive and a USB. and it said i had no permission to access it, but i can access it directly so i copied and pasted the files to mmy computer and now it has access. to at least the ones i moved to the computer. I use WPS word processor and i use libreoffice works for Libre doesnt work for WPS, i get this when i try to open a file or folder off a usb, its detecting them, or even on the computer itselt; Error opening directory ā€˜/mediaā€™: Permission denied, with programs that didnt come with the install. PYTHON, and WPS and so on . narrowed it down anything that did not come with the noble will not find files, folders with out giving me an error. and when i install something in console and it doesnt matter if its pip, apt, sudo or non sudo i get a similar message to this that ends the same way all the time;
brianb@brian-23g011:~$ sudo apt install math
Reading package listsā€¦ Done
Building dependency treeā€¦ Done
Reading state informationā€¦ Done
E: Unable to locate package math

Have you mounted them? they are installed and i can thumb through them, directly scrolling through folders.
What file system are they using? not sure but i can access them
If they are mounted and using a compatible file system, what files donā€™t you see and what exact output do you get from listing their contents?i can see all files and read all files i can even copy and paste the files from the usb to the computer. then some of my programs will access them only when they are on the computer itself.

i hope this helps.

seems it wont work for any of the programs that werent part of the noble install, it is a full standard noble install the most recent stable version. i was using before i upgraded i was using jammy jellyfish for the last few years, I love Lubuntu. i hope this helps. also its an AMD chipset for a HP Pavilion all in one desktop

So all the others couldnā€™t detect the modules but IDLE could? All modules or just certain ones? Give me an example of a IDE that you tried that didnā€™t work.

What does that mean? What, specifically, did you do?

If it works in LibreOffice and you can access it outside of the word processor, then clearly your problem lies in WPS. Since WPS doesnā€™t ship in Lubuntu, I would file a bug against it.

Donā€™t conflate problems together. WPSā€™ inability to access a file that LibreOffice can has nothing to do with your Python modules not being detected by certain IDEs. I will also point out that you said IDLE can find the files and it is not something that comes with Lubuntu, so that goes against your general statement there.

This is not a surprise. There isnā€™t a package called math. What do you think youā€™re trying to install?

In summary, my guess is that you got into Python hell. If you read between the lines of this topic, you can see some of what Iā€™m talking about:

it does it for every package that exists it give me the same error, and i havent installed that many extra programs, IDLE wont detect either, and as a test i installed k develop and thonny all with the exact same issue, i never had these issues before, i been using Lubuntu for the last 4 years. And i havent installed any more programs other then the ones i mentioned, i will try to install one more program see if i get the same issues, I didnt put too much stuff on here yet in case i have to format and reinstall. i will reinstall WPS, but i get the E: error no matter what for example this one does exist, anmd pip install doesnt seem to work, if all else fails i just reformat and try to install it in a different way, I did check my setting in the bios and hardware, and all seems to be okay, i ran debugging i got the all clear. if it worse comes to worse i will just reinstall.

i think i understand the Pip venv Apt issue. so thats good. i think

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Python and package management

Try sudo apt install hello. Does that work? If not, try sudo apt install --fix-broken. If that still doesnā€™t solve it, you may have done something to corrupt your package management system. That will not easily be resolved.

It sounds like you might have some degree of understanding about the many ways one can install Python on Ubuntu, how you can have multiple versions installed at one time, and how mixing and matching things can create all sorts of problems. If I were you, Iā€™d undo any installation of Python, Python modules, and any other software related to itā€¦ except for what comes with the system by default and then start over.

Actually, come to think of it, if you did remove the default Python installation at some point, perhaps because you were trying to supercede it with another version and/or installation methodology, that may have resulted in breaking your package management system, which actually requires Python.

In the end, your best bet may be to just save your data and start a new installation.


I neglected to acknowledge that WPS is a proprietary piece of software officially distributed as a Debian package by the developers. That said, I would not expect to get much help from anyone except WPS with it. Sure, we might be able to answer questions, but if thereā€™s an actual bug, as there seems to be in your case, the only way thatā€™s going to get resolved is through WPS.

I will also point out that there are Snap packages of WPS but these are unofficial packages, not supported by anyone (including WPS!) other than perhaps the person behind the Snap packaging. Snaps, due to their sandbox design, require the use of XDG Desktop Portals to access resources (like your connected USB drive). If the person behind the packaging didnā€™t make these connections correctly, that could be your problem.

Regardless, the point is that we canā€™t help you with WPS problems.

On getting help

One last thing: I asked a bunch of questions you didnā€™t answer (e.g. which modules, full install, what you were trying to install with math). Obviously, that makes it a lot harder to help you out. Going forward, I urge you to pay close attention to those questions and make sure you answer them, at least if you want support.

I often try to enumerate and organize my responses. Following a similar methodology will help you not lose track of things. If I provide a numbered list of 10 questions, it would make sense to create a numbered list of 10 answers.

Iā€™ll also add that run on sentences make it really hard to parse your messages. I recognize a lot of communication done on the Internet is lazy at best when it comes to grammar and syntax, but when dealing with technical things, itā€™s really important to make sure your communication is really clear.

In the event that you are a non-native English speaker, we have subdivided the support category into categories that offer support in other languages. I would look there to see if your language is included. If so, use it! Iā€™m sure it will make communicating your message that much easier. If not, let us know and weā€™ll see about getting you support in your native language.

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