Would it be feasible to use xob as an overlay volume progress bar?

I run the following with a hotkey to decrease my volume…

pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -10% && amixer -D pulse sset Master unmute && notify-send 'Volume decreased 10%' -u low -t 1000

Unsurprisingly, I run the following with a hotkey to increase my volume…

pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10% && amixer -D pulse sset Master unmute && notify-send 'Volume increased 10%' -u low -t 1000

When I increase or decrease the volume on my computer, instead of seeing a message such as, “Volume increased 10%” or “Volume decreased 10%”, I would like to see an overlay volume progress bar. With that goal in mind, does anyone know how to install xob in Lubuntu 20.04 LTS?

What’s xob? According to the xob Github page

By the way, I learned of Xob when I watched the following YouTube video Xob: Bar Overlays Add Extra Flair To Any Linux Desktop.

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