OS: Lubuntu 24.04.1
Hardware: HP Pavilion dv6 (Laptop)
A few days ago I updated to 24.04 from 20.04 using the upgrade command. I’ve had 20.04 on my computer for years and I’ve found it to be gentle on my eyes and I could be on it all day with no problem.
However since I’ve been on 24.04 my eyes seem to get tired and it hurts my head a bit.
When I upgraded to 24.04 I did have to upgrade to 22.04 first and I didn’t notice any problems though I wasn’t on it that long. I do think I would have noticed it though.
To upgrade to 24.04 from 22.04 I did have to remove “Lubuntu Desktop” because it kept saying it was broken in the logs when trying to upgrade. And so I just reinstalled it once it finished upgrading to 24.04.
Maybe there is a way to use the older version of the Lubuntu Desktop? I’m just using whatever is default to Lubuntu.
The question is what is it about it that could be bothering my eyes? Especially when I could be on 20.04 all day?
As a note I do have bad allergies and I’ve been having eye trouble on MX Linux on my desktop computer after a game changed my desktop settings. That’s when the eye trouble in general started a few months ago, though never with Lubuntu 20.04 on my laptop. My eye Dr said my eyes are fine but there is definitely something going on regarding monitors.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a great every day!
the newer Lubuntu software I’d expect to make no difference to how its shown on screen, excluding theme changes & wallpaper changes if you’re still using defaults; but those are easily switched to something else if that’s a problem, besides if you changed away from defaults, a release-upgrade will have no changes in that regard anyway. Its mostly newer software, so different options etc in the desktop & apps
the kernel will of course change, and this changes kernel modules (aka drivers) or how the software interacts with your hardware. This can cause a change for specific hardware, but will make no change for ~95% of hardware. The GA kernel of a newer LTS will be the same as the HWE kernel of the prior release, so if you were using HWE on your prior LTS, you maybe able to have your system use the older kernel by switching to GA, but the 6.11 kernel for noble or 24.04 hasn’t got past noble-proposed so I don’t see this as being helpful to you; except possibly explain a difference (esp. if you were using the GA kernel on prior releases; ie. 5.4 on 20.04 & 5.15 on 22.04 - and if its that, it’s specific to your [graphics] hardware)
depending on how you removed packages, you can also have caused configuration changes you made to be lost, and thus on re-install, you’ll be back to defaults & have lost the changes that made it better for you made years ago… If you documented the changes you made to your system, follow those notes you left for yourself
Hopefully this makes sense, sorry I’ve got loads of distractions currently
Then I used the upgrade command and on restart it booted me to the terminal and I put in:
sudo apt --reinstall install lubuntu-desktop
Could the --reinstall messed something up? I was following what someone else that had a similar problem had used but looking at it I’m not sure why the --reinstall was needed, wouldn’t install have worked?
Regarding how it seems different, it almost seems sharper in a way while the old version seemed a little “softer”. When I did load 24.04 it did seem the settings were too bright so I’ve been trying to adjust the backlight and brightness.
Is there a way to use the older version of Lubuntu Desktop? And I’m just using the defaults. A black background and the Lubuntu Arc Theme.
I really appreciate you explaining --reinstall to me! And humpty I’ll try that font setting!
Is there any way for me to install an older version of “Lubuntu Desktop” to test it out? Especially having it as a separate desktop I could boot into would be awesome, like how I can boot into LXQT if I wanted to.
I am a little confused how that is a different option for me to boot into because doesn’t Lubuntu use LXQT now instead of LXDE? I was trying to figure out the desktop changes from 20.04 to 24.04. It does look a little different when I boot into LXQT but maybe it is just a theme.
For whatever reason the Redshift app wasn’t working but I was able to find a command line entry I had used with another computer and it seems to be working well. It is not quite 100% but not too far away.
I really appreciate your time and help. I hope you all have the best every day EVER!
You are new to this discourse forum, so you can edit your post within 24 hours only. As soon as you will have reached trust level 2 (see this article) editing is possible for 30 days after posting.
As far as Redshift is concerned: In this thread a typical problem and the configuration were discussed lately. Maybe it’s of any help for you. Else you can search this forum with keyword ‘Redshift’ or simply tell us about your specific issue.
Regarding the editing, I can’t edit it even one second after I make the post. All I have is emoji, solution, link, bookmark, delete and reply. Thank you so much for linking that article, that’s super helpful! EDIT - Now I can edit after becoming a basic member, thank you again!
And thank you for the redshift info! Putting the redshift command in the console seems to be working fine but I’m always excited to learn more.
Now I guess you could do something really hacky like create a different session that used old settings, but I’m not sure that you’d achieve what you want. The overall look and feel didn’t change very much beyond the wallpapers.