Tips and Tricks pages on Lubuntu web site

I suggest the /tip* pages on get updated to indicate their date of publication and that they (very likely) are no longer applicable to any supported release of Lubuntu.

Although not linked to from anywhere on the site (that I could see), the “Tips and Tricks” page and its tips are still linked to from archived posts on AskUbuntu and StackExchange, for example. I see no harm in keeping the pages, and preserving historical information rather than sending back an unhelpful 404.

I found myself amongst the Tips and Tricks after following a link to /tip-opensnap from StackExchange. The post was only 4 years ago, which isn’t that old, but further searching seems to indicate the topic and solution being discussed are no longer supported by the default Lubuntu configuration.

On Matrix (in the Lubuntu Documentation channel) it was confirmed that the most recent of the Tips pages was from 2016.


That was from me I believe; the tip-areosnap page from 2013/07/15 & tip-topmenu from 2013/07/31 being pages from RedWolf as seen when I login to site, quite a number of tip* pages added between those dates too. Total of ten (10) tip type pages that I see (but I didn’t look at all).

What do people recommend we do?

Options include

  • delete pages as all are LXDE from what I can see, and no longer apply to modern Lubuntu? Deleting would require a more detail look that what I gave them.
  • add a banner of some sort that highlights its LXDE-Lubuntu or something (like was done with LXDE-LubuntuLinks - Community Help Wiki and like wiki pages). This is somewhat untidy (which doesn’t worry me) BUT I personally see it as a better alternative for other users using LXDE or OpenBox etc that can benefit from the effort made by past Lubuntu contributors. HOWEVER, this may confuse some users, especially newer Lubuntu users (how many? our web site doesn’t refer to those pages as far as I’m aware) and isn’t ideal from a marketing/professional viewpoint.

Any preference? or are there other better alternatives? Feel free to express any thoughts.