Hi all, nothing too special here, despite me spending hours trying to find the setup I wanted. The final product is a result of me switching to the Frost theme, clearing some clutter off of the taskbar and increasing the size a bit (including the application menu font size), and changing the font to Noto Mono, which I find a little easier to read.
I tried a few icon packs but couldn’t find one I liked. The better looking ones all included icons for things like Firefox that were completely unrecognizable.
(A personal modification to one fork theme, called Magenta, of the SDDM theme Sugar-Dark to see how these themes are modified and because this one failed)
Okay, I have tried the new lubuntu 20.10 from the live usb for some time. And I think it is very polished and will suit users very well. If I had another computer, I would have definitely tried it out.
Excellent work by the team who worked hard to bring this new release to life. Thank you very much to good people who were involved in the project.
@snowfluke@ubun-ie Should probably have put a note about the image problems in Site Support for those issues. In any case, fixed now - the S3 (simple storage service) backend the site uses went a little wonky and stopped responding to requests. That’s fixed now.