Please be gentle, I’m new and still trying to learn. Raspberry PI 5 + Windows pc both. I download the lbuntu image from the website. I’ve downloaded both the 24.04.1 LTS and the 24.10 and get the same results with both. When I use the imager program in either raspberry pi or windows, I get the same error. I use the image program to format the SD card. I then burn the image to the SD card and when it’s done, a window pops up that says that there is no bootable partition on the SD card, when I know that there was when I started. Can someone slap me on the back of the head and point me in the right direction?
You don’t mention what docs you attempted to follow.
I’ve not written a Raspberry Pi image in years, so I’d be unwilling to help (I’d not trust I could remember what exactly I did), so I’d follow instructions such as How to create an Ubuntu Server SDcard for Raspberry Pi | Ubuntu
That doc contains instructions for those using Ubuntu, Windows and Mac OS.
Also don’t forget that Lubuntu only generate amd64 ISOs, that won’t run on any Pi, as Raspberry Pi’s are arm64 and/or armhf (ie. ARM based).
Any old ARM images we provided long ago are now all EOL & unsupported by us
Well, I didn’t know that about Lubuntu… Ya learn something new everyday. That would explain why I can’t get it to work.
Thanks for the help.
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