Make it easier to find where to report bugs

I’ve made some comments on the gdoc… these being essentially

  • I love the first suggestion & extra bug.reporting, but I’m not willing to make changes to how the site operates; whilst I’m happy at making text & minor changes within a page, the operation of the top.links is outside of the code I’m familiar with editing. This may require someone else.
  • I created a new (wiki) page here which is just the detail from our on bugs with all references to 18.04/LXDE removed, as whilst I love history, the LXDE detail is now distracting/confusing to modern users of Lubuntu
  • The links page you mentioned now contains an extra ‘Bug Reporting Help’ link to the aforementioned new page on this site.

It’s a start anyway, thank you heaps for your comments & suggestions @profetik777 . We’ll get to them as time & resources allow.