Lubuntu doesn't connect to wifi

I duel boot Windows 10 and Lubuntu on my laptop. Windows 10 connects to my home Wifi, which is how I’m posting this. Lubuntu doesn’t connect though.

You’ve not provided any Lubuntu release details, nor given any clues as to your hardware and what, if any, troubleshooting you’ve already performed.

Lubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu, meaning it uses the same Ubuntu base which deals with your hardware. The Ubuntu Wireless Trouble Shooting Guide is thus where I’d likely start, as the Device Recognition and Operation section found in step 3, lets you find the chipset details in your laptop, allowing you to then use search engines (using the right keywords) to find fixes, usually rather easily.

We can’t currently help without these details, ie.

  • what release of Lubuntu you’re using
  • what wifi networking hardware you’re using in your laptop.

The device recognition page link I provided gives commands like sudo lshw -c network which are usually my starting point, plus other useful commands too.


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