Lubuntu 21.04 hirsute because not is LTS?

Only to understand because hirsute not is LTS and what will be the LTS next version.
have a nice day.

Ubuntu releases LTS or long-term-support releases as the first release on the even year.

ie. 6.06, 8.04, 10.04, 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, and 20.04 were all LTS releases, with the next being 22.04 or 2022-April release.

The first LTS was late and released in June, thus 6.06 (2006-June), however all subsequent first releases have been in April, and a lot of effort is made to ensure that releases occur in April & October each year (ie. .04 & .10 each year).

The same applies to flavors like Lubuntu, however you should check with release notes & schedules to ensure each release is an LTS, eg. Ubuntu Studio 18.04 was not a LTS release, though extended support was offered via PPA, but those unusual cases are rare.

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Next LTS will be in 2022 ?
LTS in each two years.
thanks very much for your reply.

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