How to upgrade from an eol release(kinetic as of Mid-July)

As @BasilCat alluded to in the title, but I’ll repeat it in case readers aren’t aware.

Yes I posted some Warnings recently that Ubuntu 22.10 is approaching it’s EOL soon, but please note it’s a warning notice only at this stage.

As is Ubuntu’s practice (I’m on the Ubuntu News team too, thus why I use that timing), the aim is to put those warning notices ~six weeks before EOL occurs, so users have time to plan their release-upgrade, before its made harder after that date (ie. an EOLUpgrade which is what @BasilCat is writing about).

Also FYI: If you’re using a country mirror; the country code will also need to be removed, eg. being an aussie if I was using my country’s mirror being the au. would need to be removed as well as no country mirrors exist for

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