How to download older release (like 22.04.1) ISO image?

Ubuntu tend to keep only the latest ISO for each release, with others moved to, alas they don’t move the flavors like Lubuntu there (flavors are just dropped).

Some of our older ISOs can be found on PhilW’s site (a prior contributor) here - Index of /isos/lubuntu but I’m aware most users find them via search engines & wayback/archive type sites.

The ISO is dated 2022-08-09 which ~matches a RC just prior to release, I see a copy locally but I’m not aware of where it can be found online sorry.

-rw------- 1 guiverc guiverc 2.6G Aug  9  2022 jammy-desktop-amd64.iso.2022-08-09
-rw-rw-r-- 1 guiverc guiverc  55K Aug  9  2022 jammy-desktop-amd64.manifest.2022-08-09