Ubuntu tend to keep only the latest ISO for each release, with others moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com, alas they don’t move the flavors like Lubuntu there (flavors are just dropped).
Some of our older ISOs can be found on PhilW’s site (a prior contributor) here - Index of /isos/lubuntu but I’m aware most users find them via search engines & wayback/archive type sites.
The ISO is dated 2022-08-09 which ~matches a RC just prior to release, I see a copy locally but I’m not aware of where it can be found online sorry.
-rw------- 1 guiverc guiverc 2.6G Aug 9 2022 jammy-desktop-amd64.iso.2022-08-09
-rw-rw-r-- 1 guiverc guiverc 55K Aug 9 2022 jammy-desktop-amd64.manifest.2022-08-09