Any way to get sddm-conf to change themes to get oriole to "suspend" in log in window?


Posted to the Lu users list-serve yesterday, but so far no response, so I’m trying here.

Not sure if oriole has changed how sddm looks or functions at the log
in window, but I had a similar issue in my Tumbleweed install, where
sddm log in only showed options to “reboot” or “shutdown” and their
forum walked me through how to change themes in the sddm-conf app . .
. .

It now seems like Lubuntu has the same issue, “default” theme
with the two options. So, I copied the “elarun” theme from my Debian Sid
install, figuring that would work better than possibly the TW data . . .
launched sddm-conf, changed the theme to the newly listed
“debian-elarun” . . . saved it and logged out. No change. Checked
the other option that was already there before I added my two Debians
to “ubuntu-theme” and again no change.

Any way to get sddm-configuration to accept new themes?? in GUI or in console so that I could suspend from the sddm log in window??

I was able to adjust these settings in TW, but Lubuntu does not seem to be accepting the changes?? Is that by design or default??

Also asked at [lubuntu] Any way to get sddm-conf to change themes so oriole can “suspend” in sddm window?

In the live iso of 24.10, there is a ‘suspend’ button at the top right hand corner of the default ‘lubuntu’ theme, and it works. It also works for 24.04, so a fresh install of something more stable is one solution.

But if you try to install the elarun theme (for 24.10) e.g
sudo apt install sddm-theme-elarun
Then the theme installs, and you can even run sddm-conf which does it’s job, by updating the /etc/sddm.conf.

So it should work right? No. The new config file is not accepted.

You hinted a good question which was ‘has anything changed in 24.10?’
The error message I found was that the theme needs the command ‘sddm-greeter’.
But in 24.10, sddm uses ‘sddm-greeter-qt6’.

So a short term solution is to symlink the old command to the new command.
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 /usr/bin/sddm-greeter
The long term solution is to convince somebody that something is wrong.


Alrighty, now we are “cooking with gas” as we used to say back in the day . . . . So that explains perhaps, why I could move the elarun theme into the right directory, have it show up in the sddm-config theme drop down menu . . . but, it would not work in “real time” . . . due to the non-correct greeter package . . . ???

So, thanks for that effort, I’ll try your symlink suggestion . . . and try to get something going over on the sddm list-serve . . . . Don’t like rolling back in distro iteration, specially in ubuntu flavors . . . which tend to be more “conservative” in packaging choices . . . . Like I saw on Fosstodon that kernel 6.12 is now available for bleeding edge users . . . not that my hardware can use it, but just knowing it’s there gives a boost.