A different wallpaper in each screen?

Hi, I want to have different wallpaper in each screen (within the same Desktop AKA ‘workspace’).
It seems it is not possible with Lubuntu.

Then my 2nd option would be to have the same wallpaper in both screens, but as independent screens. Until now I was not able to do that either. Lubuntu shows the same wallpaper across screens (eg left part of the picture in one screen and right part in another, as if the monitors were tiles, etc.). So it seems like Lubuntu treats two monitors as forming part of one big screen and the wallpaper settings apply to this imaginary big screen.

It is interesting that when I do a screen capture of both monitors at once (using flameshot and selecting a rectangle which starts in one screen and finishes in the other one) I get the wallpaper picture as centered between monitors. This is how I see it right now: (dotted green line shows how I see it in each monitor):

This is how I have my screens configurated:
So, how can I see the same picture (with its options, eg centered, stretched to fit, etc.) in both screens simultaneously and not as if it was a split screen?

Same wallpaper on each screen will be in next lxqt el release, it’s already in git. I expect it to be available for 20.04. If you are in a hurry you can use this bash script https://code.launchpad.net/~hmollercl/stitchwp/+git/stitchwp
With that same idea you could create different wallpaper for each monitor. Different wallpaper for each monitor won’t be implemented upstream, so if you are motivated you can make a qt app for it inspired in the script, I can help you if you want


FWIW the upstream code mentioned with the unified wallpapers is here if you want to build yourself a new version. It seems to me that a release is well overdue but LXQt is quite characteristically evasive about release schedules. There’s also a fair amount on their TODO list, and that doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence it’s coming soon. If you’re not ready to compile your own, you could always follow our packaging instructions but just ignore the arc stuff and beyond. We even have an example of pulling down patches although I’d just make a patch out of the entire history up to that point. If you need some help with this, please don’t hesitate to find us on Telegram, Matrix or IRC. Once you’ve got that figured out, you’re well on your road to being a Lubuntu Developer :wink:


Guys, thanks a lot. I really wish I could contribute with packages, apps or patches!!! Nothing would make me more proud than contributing to this great project. Unfortunately I am not a programmer :frowning:
So I try to contribute as user :man_shrugging:

None of what I mentioned involves programming…

And if you really want to do it, I’d be happy to help you.

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Really it does not involve programming? Wow that’s encouraging! (and actually quite convenient to engage non-programmers). Yes I want to contribute.

Yeah, Ubuntu and Debian packaging is what makes it so easy. It basically wraps around the code itself. Most of the work done in Ubuntu and Debian is packaging work, which is to say we’re just taking the programming work of upstream developers and updating the packaging to reflect changes in it. Pretty simple. I’d start by going through the guide I mentioned above and get in touch where you get stuck. Or if you want to schedule a time to do it one on one, let me know.

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Remember you also need a new version of libfm-qt for this

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