22.04 Lubuntu on 10 year old hardware

I could care less what Red Hat does I’m not using Red Hat.
I have every right to complain about what Canonical does as I have donated money to Canonical.

I used to be the one on forums under many different user names that always would be optimistic about Snaps and say give Snaps a chance because Snaps were new and the bugs haven’t been fixed yet.

I ran Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) on an old desktop with Firefox as a Snap and had no complaints when a lot of others were complaining about Snaps.

Yeah Okay Ubuntu 22.04 and it’s Ubuntu 22.04 official flavors are out.
I’ve installed and used Ubuntu 22.04 and Lubuntu 22.04 Snap version.
Both of them OOTB are sluggish and slow system resource hogs.

At least I actually installed them and tried them on bare metal where a lot of the Snap complainers are just armchair users and complainers.

Okay with that out of the way today being a new day I decided to de- Snap Lubuntu 22.04 and also remove every bit of default software I have no use for.
Installed the Firefox-99.0.1.tar.bz2 as per @BasilCat post.

OH by the way Thanks @BasilCat Firefox works like a charm.
Also since I de-Snapd Lubuntu 22.04 it also works like a charm.

Yeah Okay I complained about the new 22.04 Ubuntu distros and with good reason because they are a POC OOTB from the git-go.

Anyway If I have donated money to a project and I don’t like it you bet I’m going to complain.

I’m not one who is just going to bend over and go with the flow never have been and ain’t about to start now.

So if you ain’t got a high powered newfangled computer with 16 core processor and 32 GB of memory than you better de-Snap the 22.04 Ubuntu’s and 22.04 Ubuntu official flavors.

So it appears that Snaps are a long way from being ready for the user desktop or at least my desktops.

Good day or evening to all depending on what part of the planet earth you call home.